Jul 14, 2009 16:43
I forgot to document a grotesque finding at my job two weeks ago!
So, first time sorting. I was by myself in the back at night after most everyone had left (except for those of us who were closing), sorting through donated bags finding stuff we could use among all the absolute shit. I got a particularly bad bag about half-way into my sorting hour which contained a few dead spiders, a few live ones, some rusty screws, an old makeup container, and a tampon among all the rags some might call clothes. But worst of all was this: there was this piece of gauze with a rubber band tied around it holding something inside that I thought might possibly be something like earrings since I had already found a few lose ones in the bag. Unfortunately, i opened it to find quite a few bloody human teeth...yum....
We got a fishnet shirt today that I was ecstatic about since mine is dying slowly so I will have to grab that ASAP.
Was going to tell a woman off today for parking in the fire lane and also where the truck comes to but I decided not to..regreted that after the stupid bitch drove off because I missed out on using my authority and I would have loved a good argument right then..oh well.
Thought a lot about Jason today. Up to this point, I have been thinking about what I will do the day he is released from jail which mainly was about me looking over my shoulder every second. And then the thought occurred that the fucker should be scared to death of me. I have this huge, elaborate plan for how I would torture him to death and pay him back for everything. I'm too strong for him to ruin me completely so I wouldn't go with the "here is what you did to me" bit because then he would be satisfied that he at least got to do all the damage to me that I am going to do to him. Instead it would be more along the lines of 'Here is what you have coming to you, you perverted piece of shit. Satan will bow to me after I'm through with you because he will know he could not possibly have thought of anything quite so gruesome and fitting.' That at least made me feel better..
Starting the The Massacre of the Machine Gun Bears today! And finishing my sweater hopefully. I really need to dye my hair again..roots suck.