Jul 28, 2009 17:05
So, it rained a lot when I got off the bus last weekend. It was sunny when I got on it but an hour later it was pouring so I had no umbrella and a large portion of the city people traveling on the major highway I was trying to cross definitely saw through my soaked work uniform..damn.
My grey shirt with the creepy tree with dead baby heads hanging off it is turning out looking fantastic! I had made a stencil for the branches and I just masking taped the trunk but then I realized that the trunk had much more defined lines and looked way better than the stenciled branches so then I taped up the ENTIRE thing and now it looks better than I thought it would. The angry robot shirt is also turning out pretty awesome. Got that fishnet shirt I wanted today as well as two pairs of black pants so now I can throw my fading ones out. Also, found an amazing RomantiGoth kind of skirt- suit on sale for $2.98! It fit perfectly and I don't have to change anything so that was pretty sexy.
This weekend kicked ass. Bob came down and so we all went out to the A after Nora got there. The mural was finished in the back courtyard and looked so so amazing. After two hours of drinking french-pressed gourmet coffee and just catching up, we all went to the store and then he made the best chicken alfredo and garlic bread ever. Justin and Beth were there, too so it was fun just to eat and chat with people who normally aren't in the same group at the same time. Then I made more coffee, chocolate chip cookies, and margartias. Yum.
After that, Rick and Sean came home from their daily activities and we listened to them play guitar. Bob wanted to play Rockband so we did that until 3 a.m. I had to stop at 3 because my damned contact got dry from me keeping my eyes open to look at the TV and then it got swallowed up by my eyeball and has not appeared since...so my fucking contact is still in my fucking eye four days later...greeeaaat. I still have not found it but I can feel it in there. I would go to the eye doctor but no insurance. SO yea..fun.
Sunday was cool. We all went to church with Nora (except for Sean because he values sleep more than us) because she had to work in the nursery and then we just went to some stores after and came home and made burgers. Rick and Sean got into an arguement because Sean's long hair gets all over the house. After half an hour, though, they were fine because guys kick ass and get over stuff quickly. Then we all talked to midnightveritas on the phone and heard her sexy voice.
Anyways, so we just chilled since everyone was tired. I stayed over again since I didn't have to be at work until late the next day. So, yea, this weekend kicked ass.