
Dec 14, 2007 12:26

I'm really looking forward to next semester, but it is going to be fucking insane.

MWF I'll have class from 9 until 3 (on Wednesday it'll be till 4) with a break at noon. Tuesday I'll have FMLA and counseling appointments (I think).

And then... to add into the insanity... I'll have Vagina Monologue practices a lot until February 7th and 8th. AND (!!) 60 hour orientation/training for being a sexual assault advocate. 60 HOURS!?! Starting the week we get to school. Tuesdays from 6 till 9 and Saturdays 9 (in the MORNING) till noon and 1 until 4. ::headdesk:: And that starts, as I said, as soon as the semester starts... LITERALLY, first class is January 15th. And it lasts until March 4th.

It'll be a good semester... but I'm going to be exhausted all the time.

Not to mention I need to try and get my license. Yeah. Good thing I was already planning on being in therapy, because I think I'm gonna need it.

I sold back two of my books for a grand total of ::drumroll:: $33 ! ! !
What a rip off.

They wouldn't take back my math book. I'm keeping my psych book and one of my human behavior in a social environment book. I figured I'd keep my Spanish book, more so the school can't profit more off of broke ass college students by selling them my beat up piece of shit used Spanish book. So... we spent like $300 on books and I got back $33.

Next semester, as I've already mentioned, my books are gonna be brutal.

Why does it seem like even though I'm excited for next semester, it is shaping up to be really stressful?

vagina monologues, excited, school, driving, textbooks, therapy

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