
Dec 14, 2007 02:21

I is looking up my textbooks for next semester. Not a lot of prices up yet, but they all look pretty interesting. Looking them up on Amazon has led me to believe that things will be more expensive this semester... but that's what I get for buying all my psych books new because I'm obsessive compulsive and finicky like that.

I think I'm gonna just get the DSM-IV and the desk reference, because although it is a lot of money ($77 for the DSM-IV and $33 and some change for the desk reference) I think that in the long run, it would be worth it.

And the other textbook for Abnormal had pretty rave reviews by students on Amazon. That's neat.

So... we shall see.

I want it to be next semester...

Yea, I'm sick in the head. I know.

dorky/nerdy, excited, school, textbooks

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