(no subject)

Nov 13, 2011 09:16

@FennellFiction: Theme of the week is: Holy hell, we really do spend a lot of energy on things that absolutely Do. Not. Matter.
@FennellFiction: We've all got *one* life. No telling how long or short it's going to be. Stop and assess... Are you happy with how you're using it up?
@FennellFiction: If the answer is "no", spend some of that energy figuring out how to change that. That's gonna be more important, I assure you.

Unspoken (un-tweeted?) addendum: Yes, I am happy with my life. Very happy. :)

In tenuously related news, wow, why didn't the universe tell me how awesome Scotch Eggs are before now?? OM NOM NOM! I always figured they were an egg soaked in Scotch, nobody told me there was sausage involved!

fine upstanding young viking, friends, thinking them deep thoughts

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