Jeez, we're already better at clever feel-good wording than Wolfram & Hart

Jan 11, 2010 12:45

So Professional Responsibility ought to be one of those classes that you continually stagger out of going "WHUT. ... WHUT." Our first assignment is to email our prof about our greatest fears and then write our own eulogy. :-DDD

Some rather epic quotes from today's lecture:

Prof: "And I've dealt with plagiarism cases at this university before. Which... is pretty disheartening when you're teaching a Professional Responsibility course."

Student (listing the characteristics of a good lawyer): "... clever, organized, morally creative..."
Prof: "Wait, sorry? Morally creative? Are you trying to say 'dishonest'?"
Student: "... yes."

AMAZING. My faculty is insane.

ETA: Augh, shoot! I was using my ninja-skills to avoid the faculty putting me into their bragging stats ("99% of students who are looking really fucking hard, by our standards get jobs after this degree!") by cleverly cutting off contact with the career office and ignoring their surveys, but apparently future!boss was talking to one of our admin people and told on me. I've been statisticated, yo.

ETA2: I've scooped a bunch of the dehydrated marshmallows out of some cheap tin of hot chocolate mix and put them in my coffee. You know you want to try this. *g*

so sue me!, law students smell funny, school

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