Cover letters. We hates them, precioussss, oh yes, we hates them. They're even harder than resumes, I swear, because you can't just list the facts. You've got to sell yourself. This is not something at which I excel.
Also, I have approximately TWELVE YEARS of dishes to do. Whoops.
Also, I am a shameless mooch! Does anybody have 'Personal Jesus' by Depeche Mode or any Red Hot Chili Peppers (I'm looking for the Californication or By The Way albums in particular, or parts thereof) that they'd be willing to share with me...? :-D I'd trade you something good in return!
In an unrelated conclusion, my NaNo novel this year is totally going to be called One Life Stand after all. It's dorky as hell, but it works with my superstition about needing to have 'one' in the title somewhere and I've grown a bit fond of it. *g* Dammit,
apiphile, I was being so good about controlling my NaNo-squee until you started posting logos today! Hee!
ETA: Ha, this made me giggle! I was listening to my cousin's band's demo tape again just now and I realized that there's a couple seconds of silence after one of the songs and then, loud and clear, you can hear him go "I know, I totally missed that cue!" and crack up. X-D