It's hard to brainwash a dirty mind

Jan 21, 2009 12:06

So when I started law last year, they gave us all 'Osler bags'. Just a sturdy black over-the-shoulder tote with the Osler firm's logo emblazoned on it. If there's one thing that I cannot stand on my person, it's a corporate logo (if you're using me as a billboard, I expect to be paid like one), so I continued using my undergrad backpack.

The first week of classes, our Foundations prof called out all those of us not carrying the Osler bag in his class, called us names, and told us to start acting like real lawyers. The next week, everybody was carrying that damn bag, just like good little brainwash victims. (This prof also told us to quit with the beer-drinking and start drinking scotch instead, as he did. To my knowledge, there are at least two people who took him up on that advice as well.)

This summer, I had... well, a not-quite nervous breakdown. Megan doubts the universe! Did a bit too much thinking, a bit too much drinking, a bit too much crying. Through a long and involved process that I won't bore you with here, I eventually got my head on straight again. I would continue with the law degree, but it was damn well going to be mine. I was going to make it mine.

In honour of this paradigm-shift, I went to Ten Thousand Villages and picked up a beautiful bag from Vietnam... Really gorgeous thing, all black and tan with a design stitched on the side in red. I covered it with my little button collection and dubbed it the 'anti-Osler bag'. Triumph!

Sadly, hand-stitched bags aren't the best thing in the world for lugging law books around in and my poor anti-Osler bag burst asunder on the walk home today. (Murphy's Law made sure this happened while I was running across a busy, icy intersection, of course. *g*) I don't have the means to mend it here, though I'll give it a go when I've access to a sewing machine again, but in the meantime...

Emergency art project, folks. I am modding the ever-loving crap out of the Osler bag.

Tips and recommendations shall be welcomed with open arms! I'd show you pictures of the bags in question, but my camera is misbehaving today.

artsy, *gazes at navel*

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