This is the post that goes like this...

Jan 20, 2009 14:04

Augh, the first nice weather (ABOVE ZERO!) we've had in eons and I am sick sick sick. Drat! My lungs, they are filled with ticklish cotton. Uber-hot coffee provides a temporary remedy...

In related news, the bad guys in Mah Book have suddenly developed a new and improved riot gas that screws with a person's respiratory system something wicked. Gosh. Wonder where that notion came from? *drinks more coffee*

In unrelated news, I appear to be reading Ender's Game for the first time. It fills me with such geeky glee. And a little bit of jealous grumpiness, because that... that was the atmosphere I was trying to capture with the Time Agency scenes in 'Drift Factor', dammit, and I can see that I didn't come anywhere close. Nonetheless! Onwards, onwards.

There's an art display kind of scattered randomly through the halls of the Fine Arts building and it gave me such a wonderful chill that I had to snap some pictures. The standing human figure is taller than me, for added spookiness.



(My personal favourite)

To paraphrase an apiphile, I HAS A CITY.

Precious-cat is not impressed with the paw-parazzi.

In conclusion: pretentious artsy shot!

And now I go boldly forth to Trusts so that I may share my germs with the world at large. :-D

pics, artsy, books

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