Typos I Have Known and Loved!
This batch from recent taggage that some people may recognize (in its corrected form, of course!) and this year's NaNo story. *g*
“I can make you forget for quite a long time,” he murmured, touching me like a lobster. (Lover! Like a lover! Shellfish simply aren’t that romantic!)
For heaven’s sake, I hadn’t even changed into attire more formal than a bathroom. (Bath*robe*. Wesley’s dad does not wear bathrooms.)
A natural smile comes to my friend. (Lindsey’s an emotional ventriloquist! He gets happy and his friend smiles!)
“I missed you,” I murmur, muzzling her hair. (Please be advised that the author does not believe in muzzling your dog *or* your girlfriend’s hair.)
Julia rolled down the window and let out a high-pitched whisper.
“Greta,” he whispered. (I’m fairly certain he was going for a sarcastic ‘Great’ since the poor boy had just been tortured… but apparently, Greta. O_o)
He made it to the door and tried the doorknob with much hope. (I dig the optimism, pal, but I’m pretty sure that was supposed to be ‘without much hope’.)
…he realized with blinding clarity… (That the author was a moron. An oxymoron.)
Texas bought a room from the sleepy clerk behind the counter and had just enough energy left to pull off his boots and jacket before falling into bed. (I don’t know precisely how it happened, but I think the sleepy clerk got inadvertently stripped during the course of that terrible sentence.)
You know you want to dig up some of your best typos now too! :-D