*clears throat* Mememememe...

Jan 20, 2007 20:35

Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs. (Tagged by remember_nomore)

Er. Okay. So I skimmed the rules and kind of... just... typed randomly behind ten bullet points. O_o *cough*

1. I clearly remember when I first discovered how to switch my radio from the parent-sanctioned Raffi tapes to the Real Live Adult Radio. The very first song that I listened to on my own was Gordon Lightfoot’s ‘If You Could Read My Mind’. I adored it. It had castles and fortresses! It had ghosts in wishing-wells! I was enthralled! (Imagine my disappointment when I discovered that most of the other songs on the radio were not nearly as cool as that one. I still love that song.)

2. Continuing on the memories-of-childhood theme, one of the biggest tantrums I threw when I was a young’un was due to an inadvertent trick that my dad and my aunt played on me. See, I thought they said we were going to the Licorice Store. As it turned out, the liquor store was a big fat disappointment in the face of my misunderstanding. Tsk.

3. I am a veritable incubator of new obsessions. Plant the seed and watch it groooooooow! (That said, only 17 days until the Stephen King ‘Gunslinger’ graphic novel comes out! *hoppity-hop*)

4. If I ever had a moment of perfect self-confidence in my writing, I would probably cease to exist. Or turn into Megangelus or something.

5. The only scars that I have are from chicken pox, dog bites, and that really dumb game me and my friends used to play in high school where you fling quarters violently at each others knuckles until somebody is either bleeding or in tears.

6. I loathe radio ads with a fiery hatred. I *must* change the station when they come on.

7. I’ve been without a pet of my own for a little over twenty-four hours now (Poor wee Sammy hamster!) and I’m already going insane. I may be forced to befriend the cats. *eyes them*

8. An anagram maker thingie has just informed me that my first and middle names (Megan Elizabeth) can be scrambled to spell “Hi, me Agent Blaze”. Bwahahaha! Now that’s how I want to introduce myself from now on!

9. I always run out of cool things on these ‘ten things’ memes.

10. I truly believe that our animal shelter has an undercover geek working there. From the shelter that brought you Spike the kitten and Willow the mutt, we now have cats Sam and Dean, and the world’s coolest white german shepherd named Angel who I am going to steal.

Not tagging anyone by name, but if you’ve got ten things to say and feel the lust for lists this weekend, consider yourself officially tagged. :-)


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