May 14, 2013 22:03
I have a dilemma! So as I have mentioned here before, I am planning to move at the beginning of July. So I'm looking for a place, but I'm not sure which direction I want to go. Literally. My options seem to be east or west. I think I'll do pros and cons. I like lists.
-lot less traffic
-much prettier and way more low-key
-cheaper area to live in
-closer to gay bf and sister
-rt. 7 isn't much longer than the toll road (see below)
-not quite as much to do out there
-mostly seeing apartments in West Virginia
-I'd have to get new (WV) license plates. And put them on my car.
-even further from Baltimore and Silver Spring than I already am
-commute would be about an hour
-if I take the toll road every day, it'd cost me over $150/month
-metro accessible
-I could go and, like, do stuff in DC, maybe even have a life of some sort
-slightly shorter commute (40-60 mins)
-I've never lived in a city-type environment, so that could be a cool experience
-closer to Baltimore and Silver Spring
-commute could be hell
-MUCH smaller apartment. We're probably talking studio here unless I come across an incredible deal on a one-bedroom
-I've never lived in a city-type environment, so I don't even know if I'd want to
-having a life costs money and the point of this is to save it
idk, internets!!! Any thoughts or advice?