
May 08, 2013 23:00

1. I am 25% weight-bearing on the broken leg! \o/ In 7-10 days, I can attempt driving, preferably in an empty parking lot first in order to test my reaction time and ability to slam on brakes. Apparently, I should also avoid things like the Beltway and 66, at least for a little while. But I will attempt them on May 30th in order to get to Philly to see Fall Out Boy. I am not, however, going to see the Hush Sound on the 17th and am kind of really, really, really sad about it. It's Friday night and I have to be home in Jersey on Saturday to go see Mama Mia in New York. My plan was to drive to DC for some textualchauvini and Hushies and then drive home from there. Clearly that is not going to happen. Either my dad or my sister will have to be driving me and I just don't feel like I can ask them to drive me downtown, wait while I see a concert and then drive four hours really late at night. Just because I am a crazy person who would do such a thing does not mean everyone else should be. (Note to R: I will drop the tickets in the mail. I hope you can find someone else to go with you.)

So, on the one hand, yay! Healing! On the other hand, I kind of want to cry, which I know, is stupid because it's a concert and I broke my own damn leg but fuuuuck, this is getting old. I haven't even seen Iron Man 3 yet! I think I'll ask my dad to take me this weekend. If he doesn't want to see it, he can drop me off and I will feel very 15 again. It'll be great. Really.

2. I am going to look at an apartment tomorrow night. It is a basement apartment, but apparently completely private (down to not sharing a washer and dryer!). The rent is $1075 per month, utilities plus internets included. I feel pretty good about this decision. I have no idea if I'll take this particular apartment or not, but I think this is the best idea. It will save me over $500 a month, which will go straight to paying other things, of course. I think that, as well as not having the stress of staying on top of omg four thousand things will help. Just having to handle that little bit less already sounds fantastic. In the meantime, I am going to have to sell a lot of shit or something to get some cash to tide me over, but that's what Amazon and eBay and Craigslist are for, right?

3. Yeah, that's it. I just feel like there should be at least a third thing to make an actual list.
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