Real life rage

Mar 24, 2012 00:21

This is going to be faaaairly controversial, tackling the nasty business of the pro-life/pro-choice crap happening in the UK at the moment amongst other things, so... under the cut if you aren't going to shout at me! Oh, also bad langauge, man bashing and shouting at organised religion.

First of all, I would like to say


Read this. And the comments.

Then tell me what the fuck is wrong with the world.

If you disagree with abortion because of your religious beliefs, fair enough. But don't you DARE force others into your indoctrined narrow minded little world. These women answer to no one about their bodies. They are their own masters, and have free will and choice over what happens to it.

Free will. The Bible is pretty big on that one, "Helaman 14:30--And now remember, remember, my brethren, that whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto himself; and whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it unto himself; for behold, ye are free; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a knowledge and he hath made you free."

So, either we have free will for our choices, a God given right which no mortal man can dare impede upon, orrrr we don't and you can happily ignore your book, admit it's full of bullshit and carry on with your job acting like a totally worthless piece of shit emotionally attacking vulnerable women.

Also. The majority of the most horrifying comments I have seen are from men. I am of the opinion that NO UTERUS, NO OPINION. Unless you plan on carrying around something that has the potential to kill you for 9 months, fuck off. Unless you fancy suffering rape and carrying to term a horrifying reminder of your ordeal, fuck off.


Humans - what the fuck is wrong with you?! You can't just decide that because someone disagrees with you, you can try and force your own beliefs on them. You see, if I decided that I wanted to picket a church and harrass you about child abuse in the church, the Bible supporting slavery, the single minded determination to allow the spread of HIV by decrying the use of condoms, and then fighting against safe sex education NEED I GO ON, I would probably be arrested. Because your beliefs are protected by religious freedom laws. How are the voiceless women being protected, you hypocritical fucks?

That rant was clearly aimed at a very specific group of people, and not at Christianity as a whole. I just cannot stand the preaching of, "We're all God's children except the French, gays, blacks, Asians, Mexicans, Muslims, liberals, scientists and communists."
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