RP Log with cameronpreston

Sep 26, 2009 18:35

[Follows THIS]

A sheet was draped over Harri's belly, her long legs wrapped around it as she gave a satisfied sigh, even laughed a little. The arousal that had been driving her crazy for hours was gone, in it's place nothing but bliss. Her hand moved, touching her breasts tenderly to somehow urge them to stop aching. As her hand moved back down, it brushed against a leg that wasn't hers. Somehow in the seconds between orgasm, and now, she'd forgotten who had been fucking her.

She was naked, pregnant with another man's baby, and Cameron Preston was still nestled up tight behind her. Her hand moved again, fingers brushing against his arse. She wished things were different. She wished she'd stayed with Cameron, and had never given Marcus fucking Fraser another thought. Then she felt the baby kick, and let a sigh, this one full of sadness. She wanted the baby.

Harri found Cameron's hand, and pressed it against her belly, letting him feel her son kick. "Thank you."

Cameron let his hand linger for only a few moments before he pulled it away. It felt strange, in a way he wasn't sure he could place in his mind. There was maybe just a hint of awkwardness creeping through him, and the whole hand on the belly thing brought him back down to reality with a hard thump. That felt like a post-coital biological father thing to do, not a post-coital frustrated bordering on angry sex fucking with a muddy past between them and their exes. "I would say any time, but I'm not sure if we did the right thing or not," he admitted, turning his head to see her face. The sex was kind of awkward, but the frustration fuelled them on to something that was more than satisfying, as much as he hated to admit it, there was a few moments in the middle there where he actually was imagining sleeping with Mel. He grabbed one of the spare pillows and stuffed it under his knee so it wouldn't start to hurt. "Think that will keep you going til the kid comes?"

Harri smirked. "Nope, not at all. I'm going to need more. I won't ask you again." Harri wanted to roll onto her back but it was too uncomfortable at this stage. "I don't know if it was right, or wrong, but it felt fucking fantastic." And maybe, for a little while, she'd wished she'd been with James. That it had been him satisfying her, laying with her. "Will it help you realise sex isn't so bad?"

Cameron puffed his cheeks out and had to laugh. "It actually was quite bad at the start when neither of us knew what the fuck to do with the pregnant stomach and fucked knee," he had to point out. At least he could see the humour in it. "And it did maybe make me wonder if wanting sex elsewhere was a good idea. A lot to ask of the chick. But I don't know... I guess I don't want to overthink it too much. I'm also not going to be able to keep this from Pat. I'm apparently very readable when I'm guilty. Which means, Aiden will probably find out too. Are you alright with that?"

"As long as he doesn't stop me from watching him masturbate, I am," Harri murmured as she rubbed her hand over her belly again. She started to laugh, remembering the beginning. "Well, think of it this way. You go find yourself a non-pregnant chick and the sex will be even better. I like to think I'm the best, but I know I'm not on form. Not with the beach ball. I'm okay with them both knowing. We're all adults."

Cameron's eyebrows shot up. "Stop from watching him what? Are you serious? You want to watch Aiden jerk off?" he asked, laughing. "I don't know whether to be amused or scared at that. You remember he's gay, right? The baby hasn't zapped your brain totally?" He scrunched his nose up and snorted. "I had a non-pregnant chick. She wanted to fuck a dead guy who stopped being dead. Now I've shagged a pregnant chick. I think this orgasm is going to have to keep me going for awhile. My cock is in shock."

"I've done it before a few times. Of course I remember he's bloody gay. I'm not that zapped." Harri took his hand again, and sucked on his finger before kissing his palm. "Not all non-pregnant chicks want to fuck dead guys, love. Some will be more than happy to fuck you, and you alone. Was it really that bad? Your cock didn't seem that scared."

"Well, it wasn't then, but I think it got front row views of your kid. It's probably scarred for life," Cameron said with a small smirk. "You know, it's not going to make any difference to you if I shag any other chicks or not, but you seem determined to be my pimp. Is this another pregnant thing? And I want to know how watching a gay guy masturbates is hot for you. He's gay! It's not a two-way street." For some reason, random banter just fit right now. It didn't feel as awkward as he thought it might, he was just ultra-aware how pregnant she was.

"So? It's a lovely cock, and it's hard, and watching him come is hot. I'm a fag hag for a reason, love. I earned my stripes. Hey, there's nothing wrong with getting a front row view of my kid. I bet he's gorgeous. I'm only trying to be your pimp, because I think it's better than nursing a broken heart. I don't want to feel like shit, and sit around mope. I don't think you should, either. You've had enough with your knee." Harri closed her eyes, feeling relaxed in the presence of a friend, even if they'd just shared awkward angry pregnant sex.

It was as if talking about his cock drew attention to it, and Cameron had to reach down and give it a lethargic scratch. "I'm not mourning the relationship that was basically hardly anything. I'm mourning my career and my mobility more than anything else. That's just not conducive to launching myself back on the single market when I was basically just a player before anyway. I don't need chicks to survive. In fact, when I started thinking I might, look at the shit it got me into. Meanwhile, my other half throws up on a bloke and wins his heart forever. I give up. I'm sticking my jock nose back into my jock life, even if it means just being a mascot for awhile."

Harri turned her head to glance at him from over her shoulder. "You can still do better than bloody rabid fangirls. You have no idea what's been crawling up their vaginas."

"I have no idea what's been crawling up yours either, but that didn't stop you hitting on me," Cameron pointed out, laughing. "I don't need anymore shit. Girls lead to shit. No offense. And anyway... I'm going home. It wouldn't be fair to start anything here..."

"I keep things clean, and I haven't fucked anyone since... him. And that was a while ago," Harri replied with a huff, not seeing the funny side. Then she narrowed her eyes, beginning the awkward task of rolling over onto her other side so she could face Cameron. "Who have you met?"

Cameron looked at her, slightly harbouring a deer caught in headlights look. "What? I haven't met anyone!" he reflexively evaded, clearing his throat. "What makes you ask that?"

"You trailed off. You didn't finish your sentence because there's a someone with which it would not be fair to start something." Harri was watching him, gaze firmly fixed on his face to pick up any nuances that told her she was right. And so far, she was sure she was. "Who is she?"

"It's no one and stop looking at me like that. She was all nervous about guys anyway, and maybe a little odd, but she got me at a bad time, then I felt guilty so I offered to buy her a drink. And I will, before I go back to England," Cameron clarified, pulling the sheets up over him. If she wanted to fuck him, she was going to have to deal with him taking a nap in her bed because he couldn't be arsed dealing with getting dressed, and the crutches and shit to get to his own.

Harri didn't mind if he took a nap, so long as he was prepared for her to stay in her bed, and quite possibly engage in the noisier side of pregnancy. The flatulence was something she wouldn't mind not having. "A little odd? Enough to spark interest? You didn't have to offer the drink. You could have felt guilty and just apologised."

Cameron wasn't exactly a prude, but he was probably guilty of thinking chicks like Harri didn't do things like fart in bed. She always seems so composed and self-assured. Truth was, he actually preferred being with girls who kept it real and could be themselves around him. Tara and Lachlan seemed to have the whole package, and could laugh and joke about their less-than-modest sides when they wanted to. Lachlan was never going to end up with a girl who didn't tell it like it was, and they fit perfectly. If Cameron was honest with himself, he wanted that too one day. He just wasn't sure where the fuck to find it, and he would settle for having a close friend he could let it all hang out with, and vice versa. So far, he had failed abysmally. "Why didn't I? I was trying to be nice. She's the sister of a nurse Riley works with, a fan on some level. Though, not like the usual ones. I was being an emo, evasive bastard. I figured I should offer her something by way of an apology. She said she had issues talking to guys and I wasn't exactly helping the fact. Especially not when she-" He stopped, pulling his lips to the side. "It doesn't matter anyway."

As if just talking about it was enough to have her stomach respond for itself, Harri farted. Loudly. She held Cameron's gaze calmly for all of five seconds before she started to laugh. "Shit, sorry. I was actually going to warn you about that. It's the fun part of pregnancy no one really talks about. Unless you're Ali, or Tara." It had felt like an age since Harri had been this relaxed with someone. It wasn't even the sex, it was just have someone to talk to. She had Aiden, but he needed to be with his husband, and she got that. "Not when what? You can't just leave me hanging, Cameron."

Cameron was stunned, and for a few moments, he actually thought it might have been him. He gaped at her in disbelief and then laughed. "Was that really you? Bloody hell! There I was thinking you were all refined and self-composed. That all goes out the door in a heartbeat. Now you're going to try and blame it on the pregnancy. Your poor kid. That's worse than blaming the dog," he joked, still sniggering. "You practically farted on me! I could leave you hanging, if I was a prude. But I'm not, still not sure I want to actually talk about it though because I had convinced myself in my head it was nothing, and was going to stay nothing."

Harri grinned mischievously, her blue eyes sparkling. For the first time in weeks she felt lighthearted. "Yes, it was really me! And I have every intention of blaming it on the pregnancy. You have no idea how much this kid is making me fart. I can't help it, okay? It's all the kid. He's definitely a boy. And don't act like you didn't love it." Harri raised her eyebrows. "But you want it to be something?"

Cameron smirked. "Okay, without getting into the Pandora's Box of kink that comment could open, I'll admit I like it when a girl keeps it real. It goes beyond intimacy. In saying that, I've not been with many girls long enough for them to even think they can not wear make up having sex, let alone anything beyond that. A relationship like Tara and Lachlan's, that's what I want one day. Pat and Aiden have it too, but Pat will insist it's because he has been sick for most of it and there's no holds barred when one of you is sick. It just seems... nice, you know?" he said, maybe even a little wistfully. "So, fart away. I don't mind, really. I was just pulling the piss. I know the pregnant thing does weird things to your body. I don't know what I want, Harri. Maybe that's the problem? All I can feel that I want it to go to bed alone with the remote control and not get up for... a good few months."

"Doesn't everyone? I don't think I want to try for it again, though. I'm done. I can do the mother thing, but I'm not going to pursue the wife, or girlfriend thing. It's too much hassle. There was a reason I avoided it for so long. I should have never tried in the first place. That doesn't mean you should stop looking. You won't ever find it if you don't try and make something something, and not nothing." Harri reached out with a small smile and brushed her hand over Cameron's arm. "Good, because I might be feeling another one brewing. It sounds like you do know what you want. You want the nice thing with the farting girl who doesn't wear make up. Have you been sleeping at night?"

Cameron turned his head on the pillow, watching her. He went to say something, but his knee stared pulsing in pain again and he cursed, shifting positions and shoving another pillow underneath it. He had broken out into another light sweat by the time he was done and wet his lips. But he was soon looking back at her again. "Do you still love him? I know this is me, and it probably feels weird talking about it because he fucked me over too, but do you? Do you still wish you were with him?" he asked. He looked back up at the ceiling, his hand resting on his chest. "Just keep it on your side of the bed, or I might need to return the favour. Makes me sound like I want some sort of chick who hates being a girl. It's not like that. I still like when girls wear nice dresses and make up. Just, when it's just us, and we're comfortable together, I want her to just be able to be herself. If that's what herself is. It's not like everyone doesn't fart. I guess it's the companionship side of things I think I'm pretty much lost on. It never seems to work for me. Pat always got that mojo better than I did. And no, not really. I get a few hours here and there, sometimes sleep in the day, but never for very long."

Harri stared at Cameron for a long time, not sure if she wanted to answer or not. "Yes, and yes. I wish I did fucking hate him because it would be so much easier. He hurt me. A lot. He ripped out my heart, Cameron. And yet I still love him. It's fucked up." She reached out to cover his hand with hers. "You can stay here as long as you want. Sleep, get some rest. I could use the companionship, even borrowed."

Cameron blew out a breath. "I should probably just go back to my room. Knowing my luck, Aiden will crash in here and catch us in the sack and that could get awkward." Post-coital chats weren't exactly something he was used to anyway. It was a miracle they got this far. "I'm sorry you still have feelings for him. I wonder if he realises you're in exactly the same boat he apparently finds himself with Isabel. Only, they get to have their cake and eat it too, and you get left up shit creek without a paddle. It's screwed up."

"I'd help you get up, but once I'm down, I'm down." She pulled her hand away, giving him a chance to move if he wanted it. "I'm sorry too, but it is what it is. I'll just have to learn to swim in the shit creek."

Cameron merely nodded as he shifted in the bed. He had a slight sense she was over the conversation. She wanted a fuck, he fucked her, end of story. He got to the side of the bed and slowly pulled his pants on, careful not to twist his knee. He reached for his crutches and got up into a standing position, realising how tired he was now. He was definitely going back to his own bed to pass out for a few hours. "If you need anything, let me know. I'm just down the hall."

Harri nodded against the pillow. She hadn't actually wanted him to leave, but it wasn't fair keeping him now her mind had gone back to James. God, she wished she could truly hate him. "Thank you, and the same goes for you."

Cameron was definitely going to bed, probably with the covers up over his head... maybe for a few days. It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now he wasn't sure what to think. Actually, it hadn't seemed like much of a good idea, but he did it anyway, and they couldn't take it back. He gave her a small wave and moved to the door. At least on the upside, he couldn't knock her up, could he?

Words: 3011

co-written: cameronpreston, with: cameron preston, rp cameronpreston

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