Oct 24, 2008 09:54
Can I just tell you all how fantastic my boyfriend is?
Seriously, I've gone all mushy and girly lately. But I think it's a good thing that almost 9 months into our relationship (which is just a tiny blip of time in the grand scheme of things), I still get that silly fluttery feeling in my stomach because of him.
The last couple of nights have been amazing. And all we've done is eat dinner and hang out around the house! But we've spent a lot of that time talking, too. I realized last night just how absolutely content I am with life right now. I love it here, in our apartment. I love the evenings we spend together, even if it's just making dinner and hanging out on the couch. We have so much fun together and (many, many) more times than not I go to bed happy and cuddled up with him. I don't feel stuck...I don't feel resigned to being here...I don't feel like I'm just floating through life, day in and day out.
Why am I writing about this? Look, I know it might be all sappy and whatnot, but come on. What's wrong with that? Since when was it a bad thing to write about being so happy you could explode? I feel like so often I write one of three posts: 1) boring, "this is my week" kind of posts, 2) random contemplative posts, or 3) raging against the world and ranting about all the bad things going on posts. When things are going well, I don't often write about it - or if I do, I barely touch upon it - so if you had to guess things about me based on my journal, you'd think I'm all sad and negative most of the time. And it's just the opposite!
The other day a friend of mine, who I hadn't gotten to really sit down and talk to lately, asked me "So when are you getting married?". I laughed and asked, "What makes you think we're getting married?". She just smiled and said "I have a feeling about you and this boy. I haven't even met him, and I have a feeling about him.".
Later that night, we met another friend of mine - who was here from out of town - for dinner. We had all gone out to dinner last time he was here, about 3 months ago, and that was the first time he and Mike met each other. They hit it off really well, and this time when my friend called to make plans for dinner, he specifically told me he wanted Mike to come, too. So we had a fantastic dinner, and at some point later in the meal, Mike left the table for a few minutes. I asked my friend "So, you like him?" And he said, "Yea, I really do. He's a good guy. You should marry this one.". I was kind of surprised at that, because he told me several times when I was engaged to Tom that I shouldn't do it and he didn't think I really wanted to. So I asked him, "Why do you say that? I thought you were all against the marriage.". He told me, "He really adores you. That other guy, he was really selfish. He was busy doing his own thing, and he didn't really treat you well. This one is set in his ways a little, but you can tell he adores you, just by his mannerisms and the way he looks at you. He treats you right. You two will get married.".
So I suppose it's a good thing when friends say things like this, even though I was really surprised at the sudden marriage suggestions all in one day. It is especially great since one friend has never even met him, and the other is very, very picky about giving out his approval like that. Things like that make me even happier. It always makes you feel much better when your friends get along well with your boyfriend. What I'm trying to get to here is that, all in all, things are great...better than great.
I am ridiculously happy.