Dec 22, 2005 15:27
So Dan says I should post 5 odd habits that i have. I don't know that many of my oddities have taken on habitual status, but we'll see how it goes...
1. I always brush my teeth and pee at the same time. The way I see it, I have a free hand and i might as well make good use of my time.
2. I am developing certain drink/reading combinations that I really like. Some books go better with coffee, others with tea, while the newspaper goes well with orange juice. I haven't read Flannery O'Connor without chai in over a year, and based on one experience I think I really like Roald Dahl with a bottle (it has to be a bottle) of beer.
3. I cannot drink from a glass bottle without blowing on it to make it whistle. My favorite note with a typical bottle is when there is about half an inch of drink left in the bottom. For me, that last half-inch usually remains there for a while. TOOT!TOOT!TOOT! like a train, or wwooooooooooooooot, like a steamboat. Either one, but at heart i'm a steamboat guy.
4. When I am playing a video game, especially tecmo super bowl, if nothing is going on my thumbs are guaranteed to be tapping out various patterns on the controller. I like to pretend they are acting out the gears of some giant machinery, like the kind Charlie Chaplin rode on in Modern Times.
5. I sometimes use internet abbreviations like "ttyl" and "lol" in casual conversations, but (except for the occasional "l8r sk8r") never on the actual internet.
Now i am supposed to "tag" 5 more people to do this, but I refuse. Point blank. Do it if you want, but I am not the one to put that kind of pressure on people. The insanity stops here! (plus I figure only about 5 people actually read this on any regular basis, so what's the point of naming you?).