Hi - You don't know me, I followed you here from news. Thank you for being the only level-headed person I've encountered in this wank-fest. To add to your knowledge base:
The 2GB limit has been around for quite a while: http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=246 People have more or less, depending on the account type and what extras they have purchased. I seriously doubt that there is going to be any problem transferring whatever size limits people have paid for over to the new system.
You have discovered the heart of some of the OMG I HAD MORE problems and it was a bug/misunderstanding that seems to have largely worked itself out. The issue as I see it in the beta community's comments is that you can only have one of the scrapbooks linked to your account at a time. If view your beta version without being pre-switched to it, it will show you the lower amount of space because it is not linked to your account. I don't know when they are flipping the switch on everyone, but it hasn't happened yet (except for those accidental ones you discovered).
LJ seriously needs to improve communication - I really did not want to spend the last four hours researching this. A detailed post in the English news community would have saved them a lot of customers and me a lot of friends.
If you want to see the new scrapbook (and it looks FINE) there is a link to someone who has already transferred their stuff somewhere in the comments of the beta community post (I've closed the window now or I'd point you...)
The 2GB limit has been around for quite a while: http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=246
People have more or less, depending on the account type and what extras they have purchased. I seriously doubt that there is going to be any problem transferring whatever size limits people have paid for over to the new system.
You have discovered the heart of some of the OMG I HAD MORE problems and it was a bug/misunderstanding that seems to have largely worked itself out. The issue as I see it in the beta community's comments is that you can only have one of the scrapbooks linked to your account at a time. If view your beta version without being pre-switched to it, it will show you the lower amount of space because it is not linked to your account. I don't know when they are flipping the switch on everyone, but it hasn't happened yet (except for those accidental ones you discovered).
LJ seriously needs to improve communication - I really did not want to spend the last four hours researching this. A detailed post in the English news community would have saved them a lot of customers and me a lot of friends.
If you want to see the new scrapbook (and it looks FINE) there is a link to someone who has already transferred their stuff somewhere in the comments of the beta community post (I've closed the window now or I'd point you...)
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