Title: Follow Me
Fandom/original: Donald Strachey Mysteries (movieverse)
Characters: Donald Strachey/Timothy Callahan
Rating: G
Word count: 204
This ficlet was written for
15_minute_fic (on livejournal). You get 15 minutes to write and polish a fic. It's fun, and if you need to get back into writing, it's a good way to do it.
I tried not to look in his direction, but the guy was a magnet. Those eyes. That body. That smile. That voice, smooth enough to calm an ocean and hot enough to torch downtown Albany.
And when he stood up to dance with a guy I hated on principle? Jesus. He was tall, carried himself with the confidence that comes from money and education and knowing your place in the world.
I tossed back my martini. Hell. I was no slouch. I was broke, and my education was spotty, but I knew my place in the world.
And it was right beside that guy.
I got up, and sat right back down. I couldn’t. Not now. Not when he was with a date. But what if I missed my chance? What if I never saw him again?
I glanced at his table. And saw him look straight at me. He smiled, nodded.
I got off my barstool and headed for his table. He watched me, a smile playing around the corners of his mouth. Then I was right there, standing in front of him. I held out my hand. He took it.
“I always lead.”
He nodded. “But I imagine you’ll follow me home.”
(the word was "tempted")
*Crossposted from Dreamwidth*