1. HereTV got its knickers in a twist and has apparently forced youtube to remove the majority of its Dante's Cove fanvideos. There were some hot ones, believe you me. So now some of my old links to fanvids don't work, dash it.
Why does this happen, I wonder? Dante's Cove has been off the air for a few years, and it's unlikely that any sequels, let alone full seasons, will be made. Doesn't HereTV know that if people enjoy the fanvideos they might just shell out for the DVDs or rent them on netflix? That's what happened when I saw Queer as Folk fanvideos. I went out and bought the entire collection. That's how money is made, people. I understand about wanting to protect intellectual property rights (I've talked about that before), but nobody was posting whole episodes on youtube. At least if they were, I couldn't find them. Ah well. If they don't want us slashers salivating over their shows, then nuts to them.
2. I have the outside of the vest all sewn. Now I have to do the lining and put the whole thing together. I refuse to try making the buttonholes and so will contract that out to one of the spouse's cousins. The woman used to make wedding dresses, so I'm sure she'll be able to do this blindfolded. I'm going to set Storyson to pressing open the seams. Sounds like a good job for him.
3. The other day, some gents were digging along the side of the road, inserting some sort of tubing. I put on pants and shoes and went out to ask what they were doing. Well, now that it's the 21st century, it looks like my county has decided that we rural folk could use fiberoptic cable lines. This means that we can actually get bundled packages for phone, cable and internet, probably at a lot cheaper price than I'm paying for a satellite. Finally.
4. I've got myself a couple of screenwriting books with the idea of actually writing one.
thirstyrobot and I are messing around with an adaptation of a very old book, but I would love to write a Raffles screenplay as well. Does anyone out there have any experience with this? I thought about taking a class on the subject, but the closest one is about 40 minutes away and the course description discusses the writing of original screenplays. I just want to adapt; I don't want to come up with characters of my own. If anyone wants to talk about this, let me know. We can gchat or email or YIM or something.
Have a great day, folks. Here's something to make your putter stand up: