Untitled X-Men ficlet, Xavier & Magneto

Apr 20, 2005 13:16

As part of the April Fool's Writing Challenge, people could choose to participate in the Fanfic Rewards for when they reached smaller goals toward their major goal. I offered to participate.

This is a reward fic for AzelmaRoark who wanted X-Men Movieverse

Must warn that I've never written these two characters before so I hope I didn't do too badly and I hope azelmaroark enjoys.


Charles stared at his old friend through the confinement of his plastic prison. After their last go-around when Magneto was first imprisoned for his actions at Ellis Island, Charles wasn’t sure that returning for a visit was his wisest decision. Their friendship had become a notation in the history books, a relationship that had cracked under the strain of opposing viewpoints to handling the same problem.

That was still true. He knew Eric wanted the same thing that he did - freedom for mutants and acknowledgement that they are as protected as any other person. And he was well aware of Eric’s reasoning for the measures he took. It didn’t mean that he could condone or support it. Charles still maintained faith in humanity, in the belief that all people were inherently good and that they simply feared what they didn’t know. The way to make them accept the mutant population was through education, not fists of rage.

Charles wheeled down the walkway that had appeared for him to reach the cell. He knew his friend was aware of his presence, but too busy pretending to be intrigued by a magazine the guards let him have. Charles made his way to the entrance of the cell, and, as the doors opened long enough for him to enter, he met his old friend’s gaze for the first time in a long while.

Eric’s face remained neutral and he questioned, “What brings such a noble man out to a place like this? Haven’t we said all that needs to be said, old friend?”

“I was hoping that now that time has passed since your misguided actions at-“

“Misguided?” Eric responded with a laugh. He shook his head and said, “You never could see the bigger picture, Charles, and it will be your downfall.”

“It saddens me that you cannot see that you’re actually hurting the cause you love so much. Violence against humans-“

“-is the only thing that will make anyone understand. It’s the only way to ensure that mutants are respected for what they are.”

“And what’s that?”

“Gods among men.” Off the look on Charles’ face, Eric sighed and said, “The reason they fear us is because they know the truth. That we should be ruling them, not the other way around. And that’s why they will never leave us be unless we fight.”

“It accomplishes nothing.”

“I knew people who thought like you, Charles, and they’re all dead now. I would hate for that to be your fate.”

“As would I, for you,” Charles responded. He looked around the small cell and said, “I had hoped you would avoid a place like this as well.”

“It won’t hold me for long. There is no stopping this movement, Charles. I suggest you and your glorious x-men stay out of my way.”

“I’ll do what I have to do to protect both the mutants and everyone else. A peace can be reached without extreme measures.”

“You live in a fantasy world. One that will come crashing down on you sooner or later. War is coming…and you’re going to have to choose a side.”

Charles stared at his friend. There was much more he had wanted to say during this visit, much more he had hoped to accomplish, but he knew that it would fall on deaf ears. They were never going to see eye-to-eye on this issue, even if it meant that their friendship was over for good.


fanfiction: x-men (movieverse)

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