Mar 21, 2006 19:09
so here it is, folks. it's becoming an annual thing. I got the idea yesterday morning, started thinking about it again, and to get the actual prompt correct, i checked my old mail (yeah, i saved the replies, because i read them occasionally) and last years was the Seventeenth of March. the Ides of March... now i might have to go read Caesar... but anyways, here it is. two years ago, i got a bunch of "no fears" and last year, i got honest answers... i wonder what this year will hold. just remember... post anonymously. lol
i want to play a game... i want everyone to post anonymously and tell me your most honest truth. a deep dark secret, a truly happy moment... your biggest fear, your most embarassing moment... just complete and total honesty. even if it's anonymous; can we, as humans, bare our souls to a complete stranger without fear of persecution of some sort? i wonder... so, tell me. tell me whatever you want. your most anything, as long as it's the truth.