Backstory: Started out in fandom, I was totally meh on H/G. Read some H/G in fic and I was an H/G anti-shipper. Then I mellowed a bit and thought hmm H/G could work in canon. Read all the anti-H/G stuff running around the net, and now I'm hardcore pro-H/G in canon. I still won't touch fanon H/G with a ten foot poll unless it's written by an author
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Well yeah I agree with you. It just as well applies to pretty much any ship in the fandom, and especially and Harry/hex or Harry/Gryffindor ship, so? This is piece wasn't a why H/G is better thing, just a why H/G is not a disaster thingy. And she doesn't come out of nowhere. In GoF we see her during the world cup, and during the Yule ball, and I'm not a real shipper so I wouldn't know the details, but likely afterwards. She has more of a prescence in OoTP cause she now has a boy and isn't all mousie crush so that's when she can easily talk to Harry, and it makes sense for the friendship to start really growing afteer one memeber of it can start talking to the other.
And frankly it doesn't matter cause proximity applies to the person who is near you for a month as much as it does for the person near you for three years, just to different respects. All proximity means is that you are more likely to fall for the person near you than for someone you have almost nil contact with. Harry doesn't have nil contact with Ginny.
Uh, all the positive modifyers in OoTP can be taken as signs that he finds her physically pleasing. And since no one seems to have issues with the Cho attraction, we can assume Harry has a type, girls with atheletic builds and long shiny hair. And we see the boy's hair fetish in canon in OoTP and HBP. And seeing a girl sexualised (snogging for example) is also an instant: Oh! Cause even if the person never thought of 'em that way before, seeing 'em in that positon sends thoughts and hormones a buzz if they have physical characteristics that a person could be attracted to.
The specific reason (not that most people can pinpoint the specific physical characteristics that they are attracted to) doesn't matter though fundementally. We really don't need to know that it's the hair that hooks Harry, just that he's hooked, cause romance is fundementally not such an important characteristic.
Note 1:
The R/Hr was mostly in there cause I needed an example cause I didn't want a bunch of people to get huffy and tell me "but me an my hubby are opposites" and this was so the easiest ship to use.
You actually can't have a satisfying bicker with someone who is less intelligent than you, you really can't. And as you said it's equal, neither side bringing support, so I'm still putting them on the same level. Though cat/rat, they both made very valid points on each of their sides, and their only other arguments were romance based, and yeah Ron fails at that. And I'm going for another equal in how cruel they can be to each other. It's a negative, but because they can match each other insult for insult, it keeps it from being a totally unbalanced ship.
You've seen my last post? Right? (The only filter I ever use is my fanstudy one) Do you really think that I'm in the mood for argument? I mean I layered this thing with disclaimers and notes and backstory. I still expected to be called on things, which is why I'm answering you, but no, I'm not in the mood for debate. But I would have f-locked and filtered this post if I was in total nuh uh, don't want to listen, mood.
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