Backstory: Started out in fandom, I was totally meh on H/G. Read some H/G in fic and I was an H/G anti-shipper. Then I mellowed a bit and thought hmm H/G could work in canon. Read all the anti-H/G stuff running around the net, and now I'm hardcore pro-H/G in canon. I still won't touch fanon H/G with a ten foot poll unless it's written by an author that I adore, and even then it's gotta be light. I actually liked HBP H/G, though I seem to be the only person in fandom who does.
Disclaimers: This is a not so serious response to all the H/G is an unrealistic psychological disaster posts out there, not so much a support for the ship. All facts come from my class notes and Psychology: 7th Edition by David G. Meyers. (2004)
Thesis: Harry/Ginny appears to be a very healthy relationship when evaluated using the principals of attraction laid down by social psychologists.
There are three main elements to attraction as defined by social psychologists: proximity, physical appearance, and similarity. Proximity means that people who live, work or are just generally near each other are more likely to fall in love. Proximity works because of the mere exposure effect - people and animals tend to like things that they are repeatedly exposed to. Physical attraction is self explanatory, and mostly random. Similarity is just how much they have in common. Couples who are similar in looks, attitudes, beliefs and interests are more likely to stay together.*^1
So how does this apply to H/G? Easy, it meets all three requirements in spades.
Proximity? Harry spends lots of time at the Weasley's and he goes to school with Ginny and is in the same house as her, so they generally have a lot of exposure to each other. They also interact a lot because Ginny is the sister of Harry's best friend, is a good friend of Harry's other best friend, and has a growing friendship with Harry in her own right.
Next is physical attraction? Ginny's been crushing on Harry for years, Harry had a monster in his chest (ok probably lower) because of Ginny, and they dated and snogged. So, very, very likely, they are physically attracted to each other.
Last and the key to the relationship being long lasting: Similarity.*^1 Harry and Ginny probably have more in common than most of the other characters in canon. Harry seems to e more or less in line with the Weasley's values, at least there has never been any conflict with it. Same with Ginny. They have the same education, it appears similar levels of intelligence, the same culture, the same religion (for all intents and purposes, but Harry and the Weasley's appear to be secular Christians), the same attitudes towards people and things that are different from them, more or less the same place in the social ladder, and similar taste in friends (judging by Harry's ability to accept the strangest person in Luna's social circle.) They even like the same sport. What does this all add up to? As far as literary couples go (and they don't have to be psychologically sound by any means) Harry/Ginny have a bright future should they choose to get back together.
a) couples who are superficially very dissimilar in someways tend to have other similarities.
(Ron and Hermione for example share some, but not all, ideologies. They differ intellectually, but their ability to match each others arguments shows a fundamental equality.)
b) this is of course not true for everyone
c) psych theories are malleable and this is semi-cracked meta anyway
OK, so I definitely have too much time on my hands if I'm writing crack theory for a ship I don't even like in fanon. *shrugs* I've got baby crack for a new ship that I thought of on the SQ boards. I've decided Viktor has to get together with Charlie cause Fleur is marrying Bill, and Viktor was her structural counterpart in GoF, so he has to become a Weasley too, and he can't do it through marrying Hermione (who is already an honorary Weasley) cause she's with Ron. Oh the reason why everyone's becoming a Weasley is cause they are the symbols of the good British Wizarding world, of course. So Viktor and Fleur marrying in symbolizes wizarding Europe joining the fight on the good side.
Completely OT, but anyone know where I can get one of the icons of Hermione kissing Harry on the head? I thought it was the cutest thing ever, and want another *huggy* type icon to use.