Up And About

Nov 19, 2004 11:25

I have been released from the sickbay by Doctor Khan. Although the surgery was performed under emergency conditions with primitive instruments, I have had the full benefit of modern Federation medical technology to speed my recovery. I have spent much of the last two days speaking with my wife, T'Vit, from whom I seem to have been separated more often than not over the last year. I have also spent what time I could with my new daughter, T'Sorvik -- from whom I expect to be separated, more often than not, in the future.
That might be a premature assumption on my part. I am awaiting news from Starfleet Command in response to Captain Jellico's retirement. It is as yet unknown as to whether or not I will become the Murgatroid's new captain, or whether another officer will be transferred to her to take command. I do not anticipate many Starfleet officers being anxious for such a transfer. I myself would not choose to transfer away from the Murgatroid if such an option is presented to me.
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