OOC: This came about after boys saw a pic of Brendan (behind the cut) and Patrick commented it looked like it be described as Brendan being a 'rent boy'. Brendan of course thought this was amusing, as it was Patrick who 'picked him up'. Albeit Brendan was in the process of trying to get himself killed at the time, and Patrick stepped in and stopped it and ended up taking Brendan home, as such...
Anyway, this little exchange came about in AIM following them seeing the pic, and turned too 'IG' to just leave slip past. Brendan has just commented that, as mentioned, Patrick picked him up when he looked like this.
Brendan: *smirks* Y' did too.
Patrick: *groans* Well I wouldn't have if you'd been a rentboy. *shakes head and looks at pic* On second thought...
Brendan: *saunters over to Patrick, leans down on table the man is sitting at, one hip jauntily kicked out to one side* Hmm? And what are those second thoughts?
Patrick: That I definitely would've taken you home anyway. *smirks* And wouldn't have minded paying for it either.
Brendan: *laughs heartily* Is that what I have to do to get your wallet open??
Patrick: *grins* Perhaps it's worth a try - although these days that would probably be a bit odd since you're the one paying me for my services
Brendan: Yeah, funny about that. How did that work out, anyway?
Patrick: How did what work out?
Brendan: That it went from you being willing to pay for me, to me doing all the paying?
Patrick: *laughs* Haven't a clue, mate. Perhaps you should've objected more in the past? Now it sort of feels like breaking a tradition if I were to pay.
Brendan: *shrugs* It don't bother me. Was just wondering how it happened.
Patrick: It's just something I do, I suppose. Never been the one to pick up the tab as far as I can remember.
Brendan: *small huff of a laugh* Well at least y' consistent!
Patrick: *nods* Reckon that's one of the few things I am, really. Besides, I'd fear shocking you too much by actually paying for something for a change. That and I actually seem to be out of money all the bloody time. Not sure where it all goes to be honest.
Brendan: Well I hope you do a better job of keeping a track of the bar's money than you do your own!
Patrick: Right. Forgot about that for a moment. *smirks* You weren't needing the bar's money any time soon were you?
Brendan: *gives sideways look*
Patrick: What? They're all very safe investments, mate. Nothing to worry about.
Brendan: *groans silently*
Patrick: *looks offended* Come on, mate. Have a little faith in me.
Brendan: I have faith in you... but your choice of ventures, and their rate of success and profitability is something else, and so far has left a little to be desired
Patrick: *sighs* Can't a bloke fuck up once or twice? Doesn't mean everything I do will fail as well, does it? Or, well, I hope it doesn't.
Brendan: *grins, lopsided* me too
Patrick: *nods* Yeah, it'd be a shame if it did. It's a fairly nice pub after all...
Brendan: Yeah, it ain't too bad. Seems to do alright.
Patrick: So it seems, yeah. Let's hope it will continue to do all right in the future. *smirks* And that I won't fuck up again.
Brendan: You won't.
Patrick: One can only hope, I suppose. *shakes head* How did I go from sordid fantasies about you as my rentboy to feeling like a complete tosser? Seems like quite a small step somehow
Brendan: *sighs and shakes his head* Seems to be for you, yeah. But y' not a tosser. OK?
Patrick: *nods* I know. *smiles* Or, well, I know you don't think I am. Perhaps I should study that rentboy picture of yours a bit more -
Brendan: Well, y' could study that, or y' could look the real thing over. What's y' preference?
Patrick: *takes a moment to compare the two* Well, they're both quite enjoyable to look at. Or look over. The downside is that it's merely that: looking.
Brendan: *shrugs and straightens up again* Well I'll leave y' to your looking then shall I? I'll just be over here, on the sofa, reading.
Patrick: That's fine - not like I can't look at you from there. *sighs* Seriously, mate, what do you expect from me?
Brendan: *sits on sofa and picks up motor magazine* Huh? *looks up* Expect from you in what way?
Patrick: You know what, never mind. *curses silently* Thanks a lot anyway.
Brendan: *looks a little confused* For what?
Patrick: *scowls* Like I said, mate: never mind. Not like we ever talk properly anyway. Which is of course my fault.
Patrick: *makes mental note to get horny instead of snarky in the future*
Brendan: *quietly goes on reading his magazine, though his mind is wandering wondering what the hell went wrong*
Patrick: *wonders if this would be the right time to say something or if he should forget about it altogether and just jump Brendan instead*
Brendan: *turns another page*
Patrick: *takes deep breath* Brendan?
Patrick: Mind if I ask you something?
Brendan: *looks up* Hmm?
Patrick: I was sort of thinking we were having a conversation earlier - so I'm wondering why you're suddenly sitting there reading a bloody magazine
Patrick: And of course wondering whether or not it was something I said.
Brendan: You were goin' back to looking at an old picture of me, so I'm just sitting over here till y've finished looking... and thinking... an' whatever else.
Patrick: I never said that - I was merely taking my time in getting to the point where I'd say that while that picture is quite enjoyable it's nowhere near as good as the real thing. You, however, seem to have forgotten that it takes me about ten minutes to get to the bloody point and just walked out.
Brendan: No, never walked out, I'm sitting right here, ain't I? And yeah, I remember, so figured rather than just stand there waitin' I came and sat down to wait.
Patrick: *sighs* Right, well, that sort of made me feel that I needn't bother with making the actual point since you didn't really care anymore. *shrugs* Like I said, never mind, all right. Just having a bad night, I suppose.
Brendan: *head falls back against the sofa and eyes close as he sighs in frustration* What? Because I wasn't rushing you, or jumpin' your bones, because I was lettin' you have y' time to think ... I suddenly don't care?
Patrick: Well, excuse me for assuming that since you were off reading your magazine that meant you weren't holding your breath for whatever it was I had to say. *pauses and shakes his head* Fucking brilliant: I now sound
like a bloody woman as well.
Patrick: Just forget about it, Brendan - it's not important, really. Nothing you haven't heard before anyway.
Brendan: *closes magazine and pointedly puts it down slowly* Sorry, I'll just sit here and wait.
Patrick: *snorts* Fuck you, mate.
Brendan: *bites back a reply and just remains silent, face expressionless*
Patrick: *glares* You do know that's far more annoying than the whole reading ever was, right? Anyway, it doesn't matter, reckon the moment to compliment you has long passed and I'll just take my picture and have a wank instead: you enjoy that magazine of yours, Brendan.
Brendan: *is at a loss as to what's going on in Patrick's head, or what's bugging him, jaw tightening as he's attacked yet again* Don't want y' compliments. Go enjoy y'self as y' obviously do it better with who I was, not who I am.
Patrick: You're the one who doesn't want to talk, mate. Don't think it's fair to keep blaming me for it - I'm fucking trying here. *sighs* And I don't enjoy myself better with who you were, Brendan. Maybe who I once was would have - I don't know. I don't really know an awful lot anymore, really.
Patrick: Which really doesn't help when I'm trying to actually make a point - or say something period. I'm sorry.
Brendan: *looks at Patrick, his arm shifting to the arm of the sofa and his fingers rubbing across his lip* Trying to do what? What's taking all the effort?
Patrick: *runs a hand through his hair as he tries to come up with a good enough answer for that question* Just talking, I suppose. *frowns as he hears the words come out* I mean, I've told you this before, I've never been that good at it: talking with someone. Anyone. Before I met you, after - I didn't talk an awful lot. Didn't share much. It just doesn't come naturally to me, I suppose..
Brendan: *shrugs* then don't talk. Just think out loud, or something.
Patrick: *shakes his head* That almost sounds like I don't want to talk to you. Which I do - and I think I need to. But thinking out loud is the same thing for me - I never had an awful lot of people wanting to listen to anything I had to say. So I guess I gave up at some point. *shrugs helplessly* I understand it's probably annoying the hell out of you by now but I just don't know how to change that right now.
Brendan: I've never really been into a whole lot of what people want. *pinches his lip before continuing, head resting against his hand now as he looks across at Patrick* Y' could come over here and tell me 'bout why y' damned well stopped meself from ending it all those years ago. *puts his hand on the seat of the sofa beside him*
Patrick: *hesitates briefly before crossing the room and joining Brendan on the sofa, not meeting the other man's eyes* Isn't that one of those things I probably told you a million times before *his brow furrows when he realizes he probably never did and he shakes his head once again, still not looking at Brendan* Not quite sure if I were thinking anything at that moment, really. It was just one of those rare moments in which you know just what to do - and know that what you're doing is the only right thing to do. Never really had another one of those after that - there was always some doubt. But that night I don't think anyone could've stopped me and while I can think of quite a few things in hindsight of why I shouldn't have let yourself killed, there wasn't really a reason - a rational one that made me do it. I just knew I had to. That's all, really.
Brendan: *reaches out and take Patrick's hand when the man finished speaking* Well, I'm glad y' did. Really.
Patrick: *chuckles softly* Well, that's good to hear - can't say I ever regretted doing it either. *turns head and finally meets Brendan's gaze* I'm probably going to keep annoying you to a point where you'll end up being completely and utterly fed up with my sorry arse - but I just want you to know that - and I hope you already do - that whatever I did to save your life that night was probably the one good thing I ever did for anyone else as well as myself. Because - and I do apologize for being a tad melodramatic - meeting you and actually being with you is the best thing that ever happened to me, really.
Brendan: *holds Patrick's eyes as the man speaks, giving his hand a squeeze when he stops* Well at least it wasn't all for nothing then *grins a little sheepishly*
Patrick: *gives Brendan a half-smile* Well, yeah, I do hope you got something out of it yourself as well of course. But if not, I still think I did all right at the very least.
Brendan: Well, got to keep living, didn't I? Y' could say I got that out of it! *grins* And it weren't that bad, that time.. before. *referring to the years they were together before 'that' incident*
Patrick: *nods* Bad isn't how I'd ever consider describing it, mate. *smile falters and he gives another small shrug* Can't help hoping it'll be a bit better this time around though.
Brendan: Well, at least we're gettin' a chance at a 'this time round' *lifts Patrick's and his hand a little before letting them lower again* And if it was all smooth sailing then there'd be nothing to 'make up' over now, would there? *grins*
Patrick: *smirks* Right - I knew there was a reason for all of this. Just slipped my mind for a moment there. *tightens hold on Brendan's hand* Bedroom?
Brendan: *stands up, still holding Patrick’s hand, and grins* Sounds like a bloody good suggestion…