"One step closer to the edge..."

Jun 08, 2010 23:15

"...and I'm about to break!!"

What kills me is how it seems like more and more people are more worried about getting ahead in everything than the people around them or behind them that they stepped on to get where they are. And even worse, they hired an assassin for the little voice in their head years before so they have no regret or remorse for anything. Now, it's one thing to not let anyone step all over you and take advantage of you, but that doesn't mean become one of those horrible people. It means be the bigger person and less naive is all!
Ignoring all of the ignorant little people, lets start with the big fish. For instance, a hospital. Someone goes in because they are legitimately ill with an infection. You let them stay for a few nights and then, upon realizing that they have no insurance make up a story and kick them out within an hour. Since when did people become doctors and nurses for the money and not because they want to help people. It's doctors and nurses at places like, oh, I don't know, Bolingbrook Adventist Hospital that cause me even more disgust in today's greedy society.
And since when did the fast food companies (which have become incredibly slow and their customer service even worse)become so damn expensive?? I remember when a happy meal used to be 1.99 and now it's like $3 plus a dollar for a drink whether you want it or not! And the toys have gotten cheaper and the food hasn't changed. Am I missing something here? I'm paying more for the same amount or less and waiting longer for an order that will most likely be wrong or the products old or stale and get it from someone who not only hates their job and lets it be known when they give you that sack of greasiness... Well ok, as long as we're on the same page...
NOT! That's absolute crap! People have gotten lazy and in that laziness is the work ethic which no longer seems to exist anymore. Where did everything start to go downhill? At this rate we'll be blowing each other up for a hobby on the weekends.
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