Been some time..

Nov 02, 2007 22:05

Hm, I need to get on the ball with keeping my journal active. It's been 3 weeks according to this site since I have last posted. Life is okay, but you know how that goes, it can be so much better. Still unemployed because I don't want to go back to a grocery store, or TRU since retail does not pay much. I applied to a few more places this week, call backs. I feel like someone is out to get me or something. I'm not sure why, I never did anything to anyone. People have told me to work at the hospital but..that environment is something I would like to avoid. I need to re-do my resume and get it out by next week. I wish all the things I was doing now would get me some cash. But you have to give in order to receive so, I guess its coming.

I'm not sure if I posted it here but my friend Dwayne had an awesome show the other day. I think it was like a week or 2 ago. He has another show coming up in December so keep your eyes and ears open..check out Dwayne on myspace. Friend me as well if you have not already. We are trying to promote the hell out of his next show so that people can see what he has to offer.

My friend Mark unfortunately had a loss in the family. My thoughts and prayers go out to them. This was the first time I went to a "wake" type of environment. It was scary before I got there because I knew there would be tears. Man, I saw a picture of his brother, and it tore me up. I cannot imagine how he or his family feels. It's just crazy how precious life is. I never met his brother know dealing with a loss can be rough. Sometimes its like, what do you say to someone when they endure such a loss. In my mind all I can do is be there, and hold them, and wipe their tears away.

Halloween went well, very well I guess. Partying midweek is no joke. But I was able to do it and go to class the next day. I had a great time with my broads and I hope we can have fun like that again soon. One of my broads, her birthday is coming up so..I guess we need to see what she'd like to do. is a great site. I just wish they had their mobile version up and running already. I met this young man while I was out. He was a great dancer..I seem to have gotten a little too wild than my usual. Lets just say he felt me up, I bit him, her knows what my neck tastes like, lol things like that. I'd be interested in hanging out with the kid again...but nothing more than that. No relationships for the Stacinator, I don't have the time to devote to one. Maybe when I have myself a decent place to live and such, and my life is more stable.

I guess my spoken word/poetry or whatever you want to call it is good. This young lady that use to go to my school would like for myself and other members of the Conscious Lyrics club to recite some of our writings. My first open mic went very well, and I loved it. But I tell you, when I first got up there it really had me shook. All of my limbs were shaking, and I felt like if I looked up I would pass out. But when I did my second piece it just got better from there. I really, really wish that my voice was better. I sound odd to myself, and I wonder what other people hear. But I am happy that I am involved in this club, its helping me to grow mentally and it is extremely worth it.

I'm involved in the Kiwanis Club of North Amityville now. It's getting interesting. We're having an event on the 30th of this month at Bay Shore Lanes. It's $30 per person which includes food, 2hrs of bowling and your shoe rental. I'm hoping we can get a great turnout so we can have more fundraisers and hopefully be able to benefit as many children as we can in the community. I love kids, they are very precious and they are the future. I feel like these days, they do not get the proper attention they need in order to grow. There are so many things kids can be exposed to like books and overall knowledge since they are sooo intelligent. But I feel like sometimes they are directed in other ways, and sometimes get led out to commit bad behaviors and become the product of the streets or just overall bad scenarios. So hopefully we can get a great turnout. Let everyone you know, know about this event. It would mean a lot to me, and the kids we can help with we make like $800-$900. But eventually I'd like to have a redonkulous fundraiser where we can make over $1000. If you'd like to join the branch I'm in, or a Kiwanis Club near you, check out this site. Or just ask me, come and join the North Amityville branch.

Um, seems like I'm making last minute impressions at my school. My newly gained mentor has nominated me for "Who's Who" the college version. He said since this is my last semester at Suffolk, I need to be noticed. I was on ch. 12 news like last month speaking about those crazy events with people hanging up nooses like they have no sense. And now he wishes for me to do an inspirational piece for the big Kwanza (I probably spelled that wrong, and its sad) celebration my school has been having for over 20yrs. I'm honored that he would ask me to do this, but I do feel the pressure. I just wish I got more involved in my earlier semesters. But I guess this is the positive thing about not having a job, I can participate in all these activities. When I do get a job though, I hope I will be able to balance all that I do now.

Well thats a some up of all that has been going on. I hope whoever sees this can check out my friend Dwayne's myspace page, and check out the Kiwanis page. If you have any questions about future events and such, let me know! Ask away..

More later as it happens...I guess I'll promote the open mics too, although seeing familiar faces makes me nervous. If you'd like to know when I'll be "performing" let me know, I guess you can lie to me and say that you're there to see someone else, lol.

More later..

open mic, kiwanis club, dwayne, halloween, losses

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