Jan 29, 2006 15:22
So the beautiful Hannah Ratcliffe has been staying with me for about a week now, and we've had some good times and invigorating conversations while romping through the city and spending nights together on Zach's futon at Holworthy. I must admit, Hannah and I got into a three hour fight with Zach Saturday at 2 AM that made him hate us but whatever.
Yesterday evening Zach, Margaux from Wellesley, Hannah, and myself went to get seafood at Faneuil Hall, but we had to walk from the North End to do so. This normally five minute jaunt ended up containing two minutes of sheer chaos. As we crossed the street from one part of the city to the other, we were greeted by four very loud, impossibly ridiculous tractors engaged in what can only be described as "pushing trash around the street." Hannah turns to me as one of the large mechanical beasts heads right for us and screams, "WHAT IS GOING ON." I honestly have no idea, but after that we saw a homeless guy dancing to trance music outside the window of some restaurant.
Then we slept at Holworthy without Zach and took a T ride of shame this morning that involved the train shutting down on the tracks three times. Quelle surprise.
Five things that I know:
(1) Diet Coke causes cancer.
(2a) If your Kurdish roommate runs away to D.C. for a weekend without telling his guards and possessing $25,000 of his government's money, the guards will invariably call you IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT FOR HOURS ON END AND THE PHONE WILL BE OBNOXIOUS AND LOUD AND RED AND REQUIRE YOUR FRIEND SLEEPING ON YOUR FUTON TO GET UP, PICK IT UP, AND SLAM IT DOWN.
(2b) You shouldn't joke with foreign people about being a lesbian.
(3) MIT is a campus composed entirely of amorphous blob buildings.
(4) Holworthy boys never have any toilet paper, and if they do you shouldn't use it.
(5a) If you are a woman and you have a penis, you shouldn't show it to people.
(5b) If you are a man and you have your penis pierced, you shouldn't show it to people, even at naked parties.