22:18 @
luvscharlie I have astigmatism mostly which makes my far-sightedness even blurrier :(
# 22:20 @
choco_dreamer So do I but I always find I look a little stupid with glasses and/or hats. I dunno what kind of glasses I want tho. Ack.
# 22:21 @
m_camille I tend to have dry eyes (artificial drops bb) so I think lenses are out of the question + I'm afraid of poking myself.
# 22:22 @
m_camille lol your punctuation is forgiven. I'm a grammar nazi but not THAT much ;P
# 00:12 Ugh, uploading a new moodtheme and grumpy bc it's eating into my sleepy time.
# 18:25 Just got back home. I was so busy today which is A+++++
# 20:16 More reading. Hallo, Rhevenge :) I missed you during my bus ride. Now to print!
# 20:16 I'm having trouble with my new moodtheme aaaack. Guess it's back to s1!Chuck :(
# 20:19 @
sireesanwar I think Catya might be Tohr's shellan later. Just hooked on the "I hate this war" line she delivers to Ehlena @ the hospital
# 20:40 @
sireesanwar I DID THAT. Still didn't work. One pic showed and the rest said I'd deleted or moved the imgs WHICH I DIDN'T wtf.
# 20:43 Was wondering why it took forever to print 40 pgs. Now I know. "Selection" is your friend.
# 20:43 @
sireesanwar #missing Rhev indeed :)
# 21:04 @
sireesanwar Huh, I think I figured out what's wrong. Will fix later.
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