23:24 Sooo much fic to read. Can't. Must write. Don't think I'll post tonight but I need to get back to Awareness. Yay! *dances*
# 23:25 Also, is it just me or are we not restricted on character count anymore? Let's have a big fat YAY. No more txt-speak!
# 01:24 Am done with Awareness2! Shall type tomorrow :) Now, to read.
# 02:48 All righty, signing off. Squinty-eyed and crap, told myself I'd go to bed earlier! Argh.
# 10:34 I just had a crazy dream. Nightmare, more like. ff.net was removing all my more sensibly adult fic O___O NAW
# 10:57 Break the fast I will. Crap, it's not that nice out there :( I need my suuuun!
# 13:13 LJ won't save my new css *kicks*
# 13:43 Ahhh, my eyes can now relax. New layout :)
# 13:53 And now, to type :)
# 16:29 Time for a snack since I skimped on lunch. Again.
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