Prof totally loved my
Setting of the Sun video. I didn't play around with expressions (computationally synchronising the images with sound frequencies, for example) like a bunch of people did, but then again this was dynamic type telling a story, not an abstract piece. The vids didn't need to incorporate every effect we learned in class either, so that's okay and he's really proud of all of us for improving so much since the beginning. Yay! And yay for final class!
A guy I had a sort-of crush on in college (as in I thought he was cute and fun but that was pretty much it) and who was in my program and therefore in all my classes basically for three years I think -- there were three groups in year 1 and I'm not sure he was in mine -- just friended me on facebook and started chatting me up. Let me just say that, while I'm still not high-maintenance and thank god, I did cut my hair so it's not just held back in a tight ponytail 24/7 anymore, and I don't wear plain clothes except at home anymore. I wouldn't say I look "hot" per se, but I definitely look better than I did back then. Minus the acne. It needs to die a slow, painful death *glares* Anyway, all that to say... I don't know what I wanted to say. Something about how I may not be that bad on the eyes of guys my own age after all. After the creepy kid on an industrial sector's street corner, the even creepier guy in the metro telling me "you have sexy eyes and please give me your number?", random adults complimenting me, my sisters wanting my body (wtf fine, have some of my bum and thighs and give me some cleavage yes?), now it's a guy who AHAHA oh wait for it, plugged in his mouse on my station while I was doing girly stuff in the bathroom and freaked my shit out when I came back because WTF my screen was possessed and stuff was closing and opening all over the place. My God, I'd almost forgotten about THAT one. Good times :D I miss college! We were such a fun and proud group. There's none of that camaraderie in university. And I miss vegging out on our floor and playing card games. Penfield 2nd floor represent!