I feel so lethargic!
stoic_rose told me that
bluize told
ailurodragon and
midnightarcher that they saw me talking to
darkmoon and backstabbing
zansidhe. That is SO not true! If I get my hands on them I'm gonna kick some heads!
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Tuesday sucked.
What also sucks is that I don't know why
stoic_rose went all psycho over me and
darkmoon having a little fun.
Oh and someone at work found out I was into anime and I think that's why I got fired :-(.
And also it's so not fair that I have Sunday off but nobody wants to do anything :-(. I'll just sit home alone and cry.
Oh yeah. mom & dad was totally unfair to me the other day and now now I can't go to the mall with people :-(.
Hey and know what? that asshole
wylde_thang gone and said that I got caught talking to
ein_reincarnate and backstabbing
bustymcboob. Don't let me hear about that again or they'll regret it!
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*snicker* Well, I'm amused...