So, how goes life you ask?
Pretty well, for once. I have a girlfriend, Julie, and that's going quite well. She actually makes days much more bearable, especially those long hot days.
Speaking of weather, today is beautiful. It's about 60 right now, and partly cloudy. I w00t. A lot.
Geez, I thought I knew what I was going to write about, and all the sudden I find myself at a lack for words. This is probably because I should be doing my Physics Report, and my INDV report, but ya know :P
I put this behind a cut so that in case anyone reads it and doesn't agree, I have the fair argument that they chose to read it. Of course, I encourage people to disagree, as long as they do it maturely.
Anyways, I was reading the news this morning, and between the articles about how our economy is screwed, I found two very interesting articles, both of which are quite central to this current Presidential Election. (Don't forget to vote, BTW. I have my absentee ballot, do you have yours?)
The first one is about legalizing Gay Marriage. The second is about abortion.
Gay Marriage- The primary argument against it is that "Marriage is between a man and a woman: The bible says so!". In the article I read, some people they interviewed even said that they were protecting the foundations of society.
My personal thought: I don't care if you're gay or straight. I don't want to see you making out in public. Besides, what if the religion I follow doesn't care about gay marriage? All a ban does is force the ideals of major religions upon those who otherwise wouldn't observe them. For example, I'm a deist. Deism has no qualm with gay marriage, nor do I. As a matter of fact, the religion was formed as a direct opposition to the Catholic Church. So a ban based on the Catholic idea of marriage (even though it's a state institution, which is _supposed_ to be separated from the church) would be forcing Christian views upon those who don't care to observe them.
Bottom line: Don't like gay marriage? Don't get one.
Abortion- This argument is not so religiously based as it is morally based. And I can understand the idea behind it. To some people, aborting a child is murder. To others, it is not.
My personal thought: If you don't like it, don't get one. If you're okay with it, then there should be no law against it. Just because _you_ don't like it doesn't mean that everyone else has to share your views.
On a semi-related side note: I personally don't think that the argument over a woman's body should be made by men.
Bit of a long argument. I really only wrote that because I couldn't believe someone was fighting against gay marriage to "protect society". 0.o