The last three Saturday evenings were spent at the Ranch. I taught SYL in May, and WTS this past Saturday. I ended up losing a lot of people for SYL. It's a difficult 64 count dance.
Some of the Broadway kids performed a couple of songs. They were promoting Broadway meets Country.
I'm trying to pay more attention to my posture. It's amazing how large my stomach is when I relax muscles in my mid-section. I'm hoping that the combination of walking to school, working out and sweating at the Ranch is helping me out as well.
The BIG APPLE RAUNCH will occur on Saturday the 28th. It will be a fund raiser for the Times Squares. Patrick and I will participate in a demo square that Howard will call.
spot_brooklyn is organizing it. I may wear my leather jock again. The Manhattan Prairie Dogs will also be performing and of course energy will be high and out-of-towners will be in attendance. Hope some of you can make it!