Mar 09, 2009 01:29
1. Did not realize today was daylight savings time. Got up late. Lost an hour.
2. Got a new cell phone yesterday that needed to drain all the way, then be charged all the way before I could leave the house, thus wasting more time that I didn't realize I would need.
3. Went to the mall to get Hubby's phone fixed since it stopped sending or receiving texts yesterday. While there, discovered a movie theater and saw Watchmen without planning on it. Also happens to be almost 3 hours long when you include previews. More time not spent wisely.
4. Finally got home and had to articulate 6 bullshit answers to 6 bullshit questions for my job interview for tomorrow. Questions are as follows: 1. Give me an example of a time when you used fact-finding skills to solve a problem. 2. Share an example of a time when a customer really tried your patience. (Um, does this questionnaire count?) 3. Give me an example of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree - what was the policy, and why did you not agree? 4. Tell me about a time when you were creative in solving a customer's problem. 5. Approximately how many times should an employer allow a new employee to be tardy (under 2 hours) in the employee's first six months on the job? 6. Approximately how many days should an employer allow a new employee to be unexpectedly absent from their scheduled shift in the employee's first six months on the job? Typed all this up to make editing easier and articulate better. Then when it was all said and done, had to WRITE ALL THE ESSAYS BY HAND!!!! What is this, the stone age? Are you afraid I'm going to copy someone else's bullshit answers and just type it up so you can't tell? And they made it clear these answers had to be clear, well spoken answers where grammer, spelling, and punctuation counted. They wanted to hear the whole story from start to finish. Shoot me now.
Tomorrow, I have to be at the office at 9:30 to hand these in and do a behavioral interview.
...Does shooting your future employer count against your good behavior or will everyone see a humanitarian act?