
Mar 06, 2009 07:55

My ass is up and out of bed.  Need to get ready for the interview.  I'm sure things will go well.  It's just first impressions are always stressful on me.  Once you know me, everything is fine.  It's that first impression that's intimidating.

Hubby has gone back to work even though he's still really sick and his voice is only half there.  Tons of pressure in that office to not take time off and to work while sick which I think is the stupidest thing ever.  Told him to go and make an appearance, hack and cough as much as possible, and make sure he tries to talk so they can see he can't.  That should shut up anyone who thinks he's lazy.  Although, I'm not too sure how many people actually think he's lazy.  He is always perceiving people as plotting against him and judging him.  The west coast director knows Mike's the guy to get shit done.  He works hard.  I don't know why he's afraid he thinks anything different.  For the record, they can all kiss my lily white ass.

A little grouchy this morning.  Not sure why.  A little tired after drugging myself to be able to sleep somewhat soundly which worked on the whole.  Hoping coffee will help that problem.  I need to be nice and put on happy face for future people that wish to pay me.
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