Happy Spring.

Mar 21, 2011 12:16

Power was out at my house all day yesterday due to some knocked down powerlines. I was getting more and more pissed about it until I went out at about 8:30p for some food and saw at least four SCE trucks with two cherry-pickers and about 10 workers out in the rain in the dark trying to fix it. Of course my laundry, etc. didn't get done, but luckily ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

enkeli March 21 2011, 20:44:19 UTC
you can download forms from the IRS web site (IRS.gov). :)


stormcloude March 21 2011, 20:57:47 UTC
Aha! I thought they had to be the official (blue?) forms. I'll check that out. Thanks.


without_me March 21 2011, 20:44:29 UTC
No advice for you, I'm afraid, but a big yes please to the fic recs! I hope you feel better soon. Tooth pain is nothing to fool around with. (I will say that sometimes it just takes a long time for things to settle down after dental work. I had one tooth worked on a while back and I was terrified I was going to have to have it redone/root canaled/pulled/I don't even know what, but it turned out that over the course of a few months the pain/sensitivity went away. I don't know how common that is, but I will hope for a similar good outcome for you.)


stormcloude March 21 2011, 21:02:27 UTC
I'll put the recs up after work tonight. :)

I think more than anything I'm frustrated about the pain because it feels like I'm getting the run-around about it and they don't really know what's causing it. I'd almost just tell them to pull the tooth, if I didn't think they'd put a bridge in instead of an implant.


deirdre_c March 21 2011, 21:00:54 UTC
Recs? Yes please!


stormcloude March 21 2011, 21:05:21 UTC
*salutes* First thing in the morning for you, but now I must run for work.


stormcloude March 22 2011, 12:03:22 UTC
Ha! I think maybe you've already read all the things I'm reccing. I skimmed through the comments and I think you've already commented on most of them. *^_^* Whoops.


deirdre_c March 24 2011, 00:42:30 UTC
I read a lot (but I don't catch everything!)



scribblemoose March 21 2011, 21:40:57 UTC
I don't know if it's the same, but my tooth hurt after root canal for a long time - dentist said it was inflammation left over from the whole sorry incident and it did settle down eventually. Hope yours does too, it's horrid. *hugs*

I can't get past the sock thing to say whether anything else is hot or not. LOL!


stormcloude March 22 2011, 09:19:19 UTC
My whole family has pretty bad teeth except me-- my little sister even had a root canal about eight years ago. And they all said for them once the nerve was gone and it didn't hurt. Of course mine has to be different and difficult. >.< I don't want to get the crown on because it's the pressure that makes it hurt.

I was scrolling through the sock pics kinda laughing at them, but then that last one just hit me, pow! Right in the lizard brain.


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