If I see Elvis in the 'fridge I'm gonna be mad

Jan 09, 2008 00:47

So, I just spent the last two days being woozy and completely out of it. Apparantly I'm pretty funny coming out of anesthesia, but I can't remember it. I do remember telling everyone who dared to talk to me not to do drugs, and that I was going to be mad if I saw Elvis in the refrigerator. Other than that I was just loopy.
So yesterday I got my wisdom teeth removed (fun stuff...er... not) and hence, I have spent the last 48 hours or so being out of it, hungry (I'm sick of not being about to eat anything with substance), and just plain loopy.
I tired to go to school today (bad idea), but instead just picked up some review work (most of which I didn't get around too) then felt utterly queezy and went back to bed until 4:50 ish where I then finished off my Lord of the Rings Marathon with mom (I was planning to watch Digimon tamers, but every time I tried to look at the computer screen my eyes would swim. That and How could I say no to a couch?)

So that has been my fun for the past two days.
Just thought I'd update.
Don't do drugs.
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