Harry Potter. Harry/Fred/George. M

Dec 08, 2020 17:18

TITLE: Mood Wing
AUTHOR: Jujukittychick
FANDOM: Harry Potter
CHARACTER(S)/Pairings: Ron, Harry/Fred/George
GENRE: pre-slash
PROMPT:  STORIES_A_Z: M; 1_MILLION_WORDS A-Z Challenge: M; Merry Trope-mas - Day #8: WingFic
SUMMARY: Because apparently creature inheritances are a thing, Harry woke up the day of his 16th birthday with wings.  As if that wasn’t bad enough, the damn things keep broadcasting everything he feels...well, maybe that part isn’t too bad.
DISCLAIMER: 'I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time'.

Mood Wing

author: jujukittychick, fandom: harry potter

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