District 13. Damien/Leito. N

Dec 07, 2020 19:54

TITLE: Not Without You
AUTHOR: Jujukittychick
FANDOM: District 13 (Banlieu 13/ D-13)
CHARACTER(S)/Pairings: Damien/Leito
GENRE: pre-slash
PROMPT:  STORIES_A_Z: N; 1_MILLION_WORDS A-Z Challenge: N; Merry Trope-mas - Day #7: Hidden/Unnoticed Injuries
SUMMARY: Leito’s been breaking into Damien’s apartment ever since Damien waved goodbye to him and Lola at the checkpoint.  Damien never thought anything about it until his latest girlfriend asked him to move in.
WARNINGS: non-descritptive mentions of blood and minor wounds
DISCLAIMER: 'I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time'.

Not Without You

author: jujukittychick

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