Teen Wolf. Stiles/Chris. W

Dec 05, 2020 22:26

TITLE: Wishing
AUTHOR: Jujukittychick
FANDOM: Teen Wolf
CHARACTER(S)/Pairings: Allison, Stiles/Chris
GENRE: pre-slash
PROMPT:  STORIES_A_Z: W; 1_MILLION_WORDS A-Z Challenge: W; Merry Trope-mas - Day #5: Mutual Pining
RATING: PG-13 (language and sexual themes)
SUMMARY: Chris wants Stiles.  Stiles thinks Chris is the hottest DILF ever.  Allison is so over both of their pining.
DISCLAIMER: 'I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time'.


author: jujukittychick

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