Teen Wolf. Hale Pack. V

Dec 03, 2020 01:10

TITLE: Vicious
AUTHOR: Jujukittychick
FANDOM: Teen Wolf
CHARACTER(S): Stiles, Scott, Hale Pack
GENRE: gen
PROMPT:  stories_a_z: V; 1_million_words A-Z Challenge: V

SUMMARY: Stiles was Pack, but Scott was his brother and Scott wanted nothing to do with being Pack.  But werewolves are predators, they know how to be patient, how to stalk quietly and let their prey come to them.  The fact that Scott was the one that finally drove Stiles away completely and directly into their waiting arms was just icing on the cake.
(For those that like my "Stiles calls Scott out for being a hypocritical asshole" arguments, you'll like this)

WARNINGS: off-screen murder of badguys, brief discussions of rape and loss of bodily autonomy because Derek has a horrible life, Stiles gets beat up a lot
DISCLAIMER: 'I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time'.


author: jujukittychick

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