AOS : Jim Kirk / Pavel Chekov : "P"

May 21, 2015 14:33

TITLE: Please
AUTHOR: pony_express
FANDOM: AOS! Star Trek
PAIRING: Jim Kirk / Pavel Chekov / Leonard McCoy
GENRE: slashhhh!!
SUMMARY: Jim doesn't like the way Bones ignores Pavel's pleas.
DISCLAIMER: Characters borrowed without consent for personal, non-profit use. No copyright infringement intended.


It’s a simple request; a plea. For mercy. It falls freely from Pavel’s mouth, and it breaks Jim.

Bones speeds up; he’s pumping harder and faster than Jim’s ever seen. He grunts and groans; he’s ball deep in Pavel.

Jim moves to stroke Pavel. Bones grunts a little louder, deeper; it’s a warning to Jim.

“He’s leaking!” Jim informs him.

Bones’ only response is to once again push a little harder, a little faster.

“Come on, Bones, don’t be so harsh.”

Bones growls. He’s in charge tonight; Jim should know to leave well alone until Bones tells him otherwise. He knows the rules and he shouldn’t be breaking them. Bones leave him and Pavel alone when it’s their turn.

It’s not that Bones is jealous. He can see that Pavel admires Jim; wants to be like him someday. They agreed to the rules.

Jim moves back all the same. He lets Bones continue to fuck Pavel in his too rough manner.

Pavel tries again. The word sounds more choked than before. Bones grunts again; he knows what Pavel’s trying to do. Trying to get Jim on side with his pleading and moaning, because he knows that Jim can’t stand to see Pavel like this.

Jim turns his head away, so has to remove himself from the situation. It doesn’t work; he can still hear Bones’s grunts, skin slapping on skin, and Pavel’s pleas.

He turns back and kisses Pavel on his forehead; a silent promise. Tomorrow he’ll have Pavel, and those pleas will be for him, because of him, and he will honour them, as he always does.

fandom: aos!star trek, author: pony_express, pairings: checkov/mccoy & checkov/kirk

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