AOS : Jim Kirk / Pavel Chekov : "L"

May 17, 2015 19:10

TITLE: Lost in Translation
AUTHOR: pony_express
FANDOM: AOS! Star Trek
PAIRING: Jim Kirk / Pavel Chekov
GENRE: pre-slash
SUMMARY: Jim pretends an asexual Pavel is his boyfriend.
DISCLAIMER: Characters borrowed without consent for personal, non-profit use. No copyright infringement intended.

“You and me? Since when?” The question falls from Pavel’s lips a little too publically for Jim’s liking. But Jim doesn’t stop. He doesn’t have time to explain. He drags Pavel along, feet traveling as fast as his lips as he replies;

“Since now. Just. . . For now”

“But-” protests Pavel, knowing it’s too late.

“I know, I know Pash!” Jim says, giving Pavel ample reason to believe he actually doesn’t.

“Jim!” Pavel stops, forcing Jim to stop.

“Look, I told them-”

“You lied to them? About me? About us?”

“I just needed-”

“Do you even know what asexual means?”

“Look, we can still be romantically linked. We can-”

“I don’t know if I want too anymore.”

“What? Be my friend? Pasha! Please, you’re breaking my heart!”

“Like you’re doing with mine!” Pavel protests, making Jim stop and think about his actions for the first time since they formed moments ago.

“I had to tell them something, Pash,” Jim sighs heavily. “I’m so sorry.”

“I’ll do it!” Pavel says suddenly, grabbing Jim’s hand.

“What?” Jim asks. “What?” he asks again as Pavel links their hands.

“I’ll be your boyfriend, for them, for now.”

“What?” Jim asks for a third time.

Pavel laughs, “All you needed to do was ask. I kind of like you. . . But y’know-”

“I know,” Jim smiles, not wanting to embarrass the kid further. “Thank you,” he adds in a whisper.

The two of them walk hand in hand towards the group of Cadets who’d been mercifully teasing Jim for weeks now about his lack of love life. Jim proudly showed off his “boyfriend” while Pavel played his part beautifully.

Part of both of them secretly wished this was the way it could always be. But the other was too lost in translation to make it so.

fandom: aos!star trek, author: pony_express, pairings: checkov/mccoy & checkov/kirk

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