Contact/HMD Post

Mar 06, 2025 11:43

Questions/comments/plotting/whatever? HIT ME HERE. Comments are screened, but anon is not enabled, sorry. However, I promise that I will never leave anonymous crit, so I figure it's a fair trade.

You can also reach me at rosloops at gmail or pyrocornflakes on AIM.

So, Rex has been in Last Voyages since November 2009. Since the premise of TLV hinges on rehabilitating dead bad guys while they're trapped on a boat full of other horrible people, he's been through some experiences that have uhhhhh.

MADE HIM DEVELOP IN STRANGE WAYS. So, thanks to loads of experiences that were totally alien to him before the Barge, he doesn't really resemble his canon self at first glance, which means it's time for a ~FAQ~ to explain why he's, well, as he is. I'll toss things up as I remember them/people ask.
  1. WHY IS HE PRETTY? At this point? Because he ran out of IC reasons to reject surgery/healing/all the other offers for assistance that have been thrown at him time and time again. For a long time, he refused to change out of stubbornness, dealing with the pain and inconveniences of his scars and damaged respiratory system, but after about the fourth time somebody ripped his ventilator off and proceeded to terrorize/attack/kill him, I ran out of justifications I could think of for him to go "NO NO, I WOULD LIKE TO KEEP MY PERMANENT HANDICAP." So, he got his lungs fixed up through various technologies on the Barge.

    As for fixing his scars? It wasn't about vanity, so much as the fact that they limited his mobility and sense of touch, required upkeep to prevent, caused pain around his joints annnnnd made it extremely difficult for his body to regulate its temperature-- which meant he'd have to sit out of a lot of ports.

    IF WE WERE GOING ON PURE PREFERENCES? I'd have totally kept him crispy. I love him crispy. But it reached a point where I felt it couldn't be justified by the character.

    So I'll just play him somewhere else where he can be crispy and have my cake and eat it too.

  2. WHY ISN'T HE COBRA COMMANDER ANYMORE? ISN'T THAT KIND OF HIS THING? Yes, yes it is. Or, at least, it would be if I were playing a different version of the character. But, he didn't really have much time to be Cobra Commander in the film, so when he arrived on the Barge, it was still his aspiration (and who he considered himself, although he put on a different front), but he was more settled in the Doctor persona. He had to change to adapt to the Barge, and it wouldn't really do to call himself THE COMMANDERRRRRR when he didn't have any weapons or soldiers on his side. He still did a lot of secret scheming against McCullen, whenever there was a McCullen on the Barge, but after the nanomites incident, Rex has had to say goodbye to both his Commander persona and his Doctor persona. He understands now that there's no way he can go back to being either one of them-- since the Barge has at least been effective as far as THAT goes-- nor can he go back to being dweeby flashback Rex. He's too different now, thanks to his experiences, to ever go back to being that person.

    TL;DR: He's basically given up on being Cobra Commander at this point, and he's got loads of identity issues and is trying to discover who he CAN be, now that that option is gone.

  3. STOP DRINKING V, REX. Yeah, he got hooked on V because once upon a time another vampire tried to turn him, which involved force-feeding some blood, so once that Death Toll wore off, I figured Rex would still have a teeny tiny lingering ~SEED OF ADDICTION~ that could either fade out entirely or be exploited and turn into a train wreck. Eventually, the latter happened. Nowadays, the addiction's mostly under control, but he can sometimes be triggered into a relapse if he's forced into feeling powerless.

  4. WHY DOES YOUR VOICE CHANGE? Rex has severe issues with his identity, in that it's in this constant state of flux since he arrived on the Barge and lost a lot of what made him secure in himself. This has gotten totally out of control since his nanomites plot failed and he lost aaaaaall feeling of security. He doesn't know how to define himself now, and it's gotten worse since his surgery-- while it had the physical perks of making him less of a total weakling, it had the mental drawback of taking away the last vestiges of his Doctor persona. So, he tries to adapt based on the circumstances and who he's most surrounded by. He'll switch back to Doctor mode if he's talking to McCullen, for example, or act like an immature twit if he spends too much time around teenage girls.

    Rex spends a weird amount of time around teenage girls, come to think of it.

  5. WHY ARE YOU SUCH A BRAT, REX? This is somewhat tied with the above-- his insecurity in himself. He's less petulant and whiny when he knows who he is. ON TOP OF THAT, one huge flaw about himself that he tried to hide for a long time is the fact that he's utterly socially inept, which was determined based on his probable age versus his accomplishments. I figured he likely skipped a bunch of grades and dedicated way too much of his time to school and book learnin' and science projects and BLAHBLAHBLAH LONG STORY SHORT HIS SOCIAL LIFE WAS LARGELY BARREN FOR MOST OF HIS YEARS ON EARTH. And then, just as things were picking up, HE GOT BLOWN UP AND SPENT ANOTHER FOUR YEARS LARGELY ISOLATED FROM SOCIETY.


    Basically, the end result is that-- now that he's on the Barge and forced to be more social with people, lost most of the trappings he could hide behind, etc etc.-- he's sort of in this weird phase of self discovery. You know, that thing that most people do in college. He's seriously socially and emotionally underdeveloped.

    And he was totally a virgin when he got to the Barge.

    Oh yeah and on that "brat" note, also: in the movie, he's a pretty huge brat when it comes to Duke. I mean, come on, bro, way to hold a grudge over something the guy couldn't even prevent.

  6. WHY'S HE SO HUNG UP ON THAT CHICK FROM ZOMBIELAND? ~Several reasons~ One, she was the first person to actually treat him like a normal human being and unlock some of the less robotic sides of his personality. Two, first girlfriend. Three, lost his virginity to her lolol. Four, bitchiness is a turn on to him. He genuinely loves her, but the reason he's not with her right now is because he's afraid of being left again. He's in a place where he needs security/stability to make up for his own insecurity/instability, and he's too anxious about the thought of losing Wichita again. SO INSTEAD HE STARES AT HER LONGINGLY FROM A POOL OF MISERY.

  7. WHY'S HE SO HUNG UP ON THAT DUDE FROM OTHELLO? He likes Iago, because Iago's a huge dick, and remember, kids: Bitchiness is a turn on to him. He's not in love with him, but he's quite fond of him, and he gets along well with him, and he finds him attractive. Right now, he's still with Iago rather than the girl he luuuurves because he wants their relationship to succeed and fail on its own terms. And he feels really insecure about Wichita, given their shaky past, whereas he feels quite secure with Iago.

  8. WHAT'S WITH REX AND VAMPIRES? Man idek. He has a way of making them want to eat him.

  9. WHY YOU GOTTA HATE, REX? He's a hateful little dweeb who will hold grudges for an eternity. WHETHER THEY ARE JUSTIFIED OR NOT. Sometimes, yes, he has a legitimate grievance with somebody, and he tends to be rather unforgiving unless they somehow ~appease him~ or he just happens to like them enough to be forgiving. Other times, however, Rex really will just pick up a grudge for no discernible reason, leaving a very confused person at the receiving end of his elaborate schemes. PLEASE NOTE: his feelings towards others are in no way a reflection of my own.

  10. ON THE FLIPSIDE: WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT SO MANY PEOPLE? He's been confined here for over a year and forced to show a lot of himself to others through shared traumas and whatnot. Through various experiences, he has learned to start caring about a few other people, typically if they show a consistent regard for his wellbeing and follow through on promises they make to him. He's typically slow to trust, and he expects to be disappointed by everybody ever, so he'll make an effort to push people away if he can. BUT if they jump through enough hoops, he'll actually grow to give a damn about them.

  11. IS HE GAY? Nope.

  12. IS HE STRAIGHT? Nope. The answer is ~somewhere else~ on the Kinsey Scale. He doesn't really like most people, and he tends to be attracted to unconventional/unique traits and personalities. He does lean towards ladies, but he's generally too closed off and socially dysfunctional to pursue anything with anybody.

I'll elaborate on all points with better... words and stuff. Later.

  1. Note to self: add DRAGON TOY, Wanda's stealth weapons and NANOMITES II to the list.

  2. ROBOT ARM!!1
    With: Trip Tucker, Kevin Flynn
    What: REX IS GOING TO BUILD A ROBOT ARM THAT CAN REACH ANYTHING!! Or, at least, that's what his five-year-old self determined. His plan now is to refine it as a sort of proto-Doc Ock helper arm. Something that can like, assist with building or surgery or something.
    Status: Ongoing.
    References: The Best Solution | The Project Continues

  3. Super Awesome Shooting Range Gun
    With: Edward Nygma/Riddler
    What: Rex gets to build a gun that disables itself when pointed at a living target! A CHALLENGE.
    Status: Ongoing.
    References: The Proposition

  1. De-Hulkifying
    With: Bruce Banner
    What: Working in the lab to find a cure for Bruce's condition. Naturally, Rex is using the opportunity to learn MORE about Bruce's condition and is trying to con him into permitting nanomite tech in the lab.
    Status: Over. Banner's no longer on the Barge.
    References: I will find the posts eventually.

  2. Riddler's Fancy Nanomites
    With: Edward Nygma/Riddler
    What: Riddler discovered that Rex was behind the power flares (SEE: Super Soldiers Project) on the Barge and blackmailed him into making enhancements for him. Rex has so far given him enhanced senses/perception, but programmed the nanomites to self-terminate after a set period of time. Now he has a sample of Sylar's blood and is tasked with mimicking the abilities.
    Status: DONE. The abilities went out of control, Riddler left the Barge, and the nanomites terminated. May have completed while Rex was away canon updating.
    References: FIND POSTS. | Blood Tests

  3. Rex's Excellent Trojan
    With: Bela Talbot, Bruce Banner (unwittingly)
    What: Bela stole Bruce's communicator, and Rex basically put a virus/trojan on it that forwards anything filtered to Bruce (so, private comments, warden filtered posts, etc) to Rex's communicator and Bela's communicator. SO NOTE TO SELF: STOP FORGETTING WHAT REX CAN AND CAN'T READ.
    Status: Over. Banner left the Barge, taking the trojan with him.
    References: I will find the posts eventually.

  4. Super Soldier Serum
    With: Slade, Emil Blonsky
    What: BLONSKY WANTS DRUGS. Slade has a formula for these drugs, as well as equipment. Rex has the nerd skills to make it happen.
    Status: Completed
    References: Slade's Request

  5. Ventilator
    With: The Doctor (Seven)
    What: STRAIGHTFORWARD. Rex is trying to build a new ventilator, calibrated to assist with some physical therapy crap because he's going to try to wean himself off of it blahblah it's probably also an excuse to get his hands on more engineering tools. The Seventh Doctor has offered some lab space in the TARDIS.

    Update: Rex has instead used this time to build a surveillance bot. Way to go, Rex.

    References: Seeking physical therapists. | Request to begin the project.

  6. Super Soldiers
    With: Borg Queen, T-X, Narvin, Riddler, Costigan, Bela, Sark, Baroness
    What: Rex is working on nanomites to create super soldiers. take over and/or escape the Barge. With super soldiers and mind control.

    Phase 1: Injected superhuman inmates with nanomites to override the Barge's restrictions on abilities. Largely successful; failed with magic types. Brainstorming Post 1, Plotting Post 1, Plot Schedule.

    Phase 2: Injected humans with nanomites programmed with data extracted from Phase 1 test subjects. Mimicked abilities of superhumans in humans. Largely successful; failed with magic types. Plotting Post, Plot Schedule.

    Phase 3: Phase 3 has largely consisted of refining the abilities in some lab mice he's injected. However, he's finagled his way into lab time with three separate wardens, and he's got some nanomite lab equipment, so this is finally moving along.

    Phase 3 will begin with injecting certain wardens and other useful individuals with nanomites to "corrupt" them-- essentially altering their personalities in small and subtle ways to act as Cobra agents and sabotage the wardens as a unit and get him stuff.

    After he has everything in place, he will have strong, soldier-types "recruited"-- mostly unwillingly, although he's willing to strike deals if necessary-- and have them mobilize an attack on the Barge to distract the non-affected wardens while he tries to hack the Barge's controls from the Engine Room (?) and escape... or take over.

    Really, even if he fails, he just wants to see you guys tear each other apart. Because he hates you all <3

    Status: Completed.
    References: Phase 1: Brainstorming Post | Phase 1: Plotting Post | Phase 1: Schedule | Phase 2: Plotting Post | Phase 2: Schedule | Phase 3: Brainstorming Post 1 | Phase 3: Brainstorming Post Updated | Phase 3: Plotting Post | Phase 3: Schedule

  7. Staaaar Charting
    With: NOBODY
    What: Rex kills time on the deck trying to map what he can of the Barge's course. It's a pretty worthless project, because it's not in any of his fields of interest or areas of expertise. He's just doing it because he's got nothing better to do now that he's been booted from every position he could exploit.
    Status: Rex got bored and quit.
    References: Random threads.

  8. Miscellaneous Inventory
    Rex currently has the following odds and ends for future plots: Arthas's blood (with a zombie virus), Adam's blood (healing properties), "raw" batches of nanomites, OTHER SHIT I FORGOT. NOTHING. Everything got jacked after the Super Soldiers plot. Basic first aid kit (acquired in a port with warden permission), some small/handheld engineering tools (acquired in a port with warden permission), a computer index of snakes and stuff. MAYBE OTHER THINGS, IDK,

ooc: contact

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