[Filtered to Friennnnds*]
[Throughout most of this, Rex sounds pretty calm and ~thoughtful~, rather than his usual rageful when he makes speeches.]
Do you know why I chose Sveta for my nanomites? She was one of the first wardens injected, if I remember correctly. [He pauses, thinking about how he wants to phrase this.] It wasn't just to
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I also think you helped change people's opinions on the state of aftermath, and made them consider it more.
All I know is in any case I disapprove. Speculation is dangerous any more.
So she benefits from my suffering. That's convenient.
What I do know is you're looking for reasons for hate and resentment. Which is a shame, because you took care of a lot of people this weekend. It's an abhorrent, thankless job sometimes and the only time you do receive compensation for you good faith is when you break like she did. When there are people there willing to defend you after you helped them.
My arm still hurts. I'm not in the best of moods myself.
He was directly guarding her and in the way. Somebody killed Shego to get to me for the same reason. My snakes were offered up as revenge AFTER I'd been imprisoned. And the fallout is always the worst directly after the fact. At this rate, we'll be throwing a parade in her honor in a week.
[Long sulky pause.]
I don't have to look very far for reasons.
And what happened, exactly? Why did he attack you? If I hadn't been busy at the time, I would've... [KILLED JIIIIM.]
He was having a nightmare. He thought I was someone else, and was protecting himself. I need to request some sort of antidote or counter-potion be made for the infirmary in case it happens again, because he was going for my throat.
Do you think it happened because of the curse?
And not everyone's forgiven her.
It was a potion he was given. Or so I suspect now. I thought he'd stumbled across it because of the curse, but it may have been given to him by Arthas if he discovered what happened in port.
I can't go around pointing fingers. It's dangerous. But I do want to protect the infirmary staff.
Name one person who hasn't!
That's entirely too subtle for Arthas.
It does seem like it. I'll find out for sure very soon. Narvin and I have arrangements to train him in some psychic protection. I don't trust Narvin's intentions, but I'm hoping if the fear of Frostmourne is lessened his urge to attack those on the Barge will be greatly reduced.
Mm. Good luck. [Rex doesn't think Arthas deserves any help from the Doctor :c]
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