[104] Hey, it's been a long time since we've had a SSSSSCIENCE post. // Voice.

Dec 11, 2010 13:06

Have any of you ever truly experienced the act of discovery? The culmination of months, years, decades of work, accumulating data, refining your research, building from theorems, pulling together notes and schematics and blueprints... all in pursuit of that one... perfect moment of payoff.

It's difficult to describe the experience. The anticipation creates a stilled tension that is almost... electric. You push the button, you mix the chemicals, you flip the switch... and you wait. You can hardly speak, hardly remember to breathe. There's never a guarantee, that first time, that anything will happen at all. This is the moment where it could all fall apart.

And then it happens. Relief washes over you.

When the Trinity Test was conducted-- July 16, 1945-- the gathered scientists and soldiers were rendered speechless. Can you imagine? Witnessing a display of such power, controlled and harnessed by man, for the first time? The rise of the mushroom cloud bringing about the "Atomic Age."

At the time, J. Robert Oppenheimer was said to have exclaimed, "It works." Most were speechless. Some laughed, others wept.

What followed, the attempts at articulating the sheer magnitude of what had just been witnessed, a discovery so profound that it would change the course of history... was poetry.

"It was golden, purple, violet, gray, and blue. It lighted every peak, crevasse and ridge of the nearby mountain range with a clarity and beauty that cannot be described but must be seen to be imagined..."

Do you have any idea how it feels, to witness something so beautiful, and to know that you had a hand in its creation? It's greater than any religious experience. It's real.

[He pauses, then continues.]

Upon further reflection, when asked to describe the event, Oppenheimer could only recall the Baghavad Gita. "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one..."

I wonder what the Admiral will say when he concludes this experiment. When the payoff occurs and he has his profound moment of discovery.

[Private to Armand]
I'm sorry for my behavior the other night. I wasn't feeling quite like myself, you understand.

[Private to Narvin]
I've concluded a preliminary report on my observations of the... curious little mouse we found. The enhancements aren't organic in nature, but rather, artificial. In order to study them more completely, I'll need some... extra equipment.

[Private to Shego]
I'm sorry to hear about your recent death. When will you be free to take visitors? [HINT HINT, he has your nanomites ready.]

[Private to Harper]
It's getting worse.

[OOC: I AM NOT A SCIENTIST. AT ALL. So, science people, if I had him say something hilariously wrong, please tell me :CCC

ALSO. Narvin. He's withholding a ton of information, naturally, and is really just trying to string you along to get some equipment to pursue his nanomiiiiites.]

ssssscience?, n-n-n-nanomites, my bff armand, harperrrr!, rex is a drama queen, supervillainy 101

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