Picspam: Gillian Anderson ♥

Dec 31, 2008 23:02

This all started with that "post ten pictures of your favorite person" meme. I was going to do it, but, being me, I had to first go on a massive photo-saving spree, and by that time, the picspammy challenge had been declared. There were many reasons for me not to go through with this ("But you're not good at Photoshop!", "But everyone will be doing her!", etc.), but when it comes down to it, I look at these pictures and she stops my heart. This was a labor of such a great amount of love that there was no way I could not post it. So, this is how I'm choosing to finish out my 2008: with a picspam of Gillian. Enjoy. ♥

♥ best if viewed via this link ♥ /

&she smiles

&she glows

&timeless beauty

&eyes that swallow you whole

&sexy as hell



&she's got her hand in her hair ♥

person: gillian anderson, picspam

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