This is my first case of a story of mine being plagiarised, so I didn't handle some things as well as I probably should have. This morning I found a comment on a story of mine from
ihavetodowhat . Now, this story is in a personal community run by just me and a friend to house our personal crack pairing fics. I.E.: A community she didn't think anyone else would find, or that would bother to look at her journal.
At first I just let the comment be, but later I found a story a little to uncannily similar to mine on her journal. In a fit of anger I deleted her comment and banned her from commenting in the community again. I realize now I should have left it there as evidence. I tried to talk to her via comment on the plagiarised work, but she then deleted my comment and banned me from commenting on her journal.
Here is my original story: And here is hers: She put more length, changed one character, and added in a bunch of grammatical mistakes. But the set up is exactly the same, and much of the text is verbatim.
EDIT: She has removed the story because I reported her, but I have screencaps.